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Registered on:11/27/2019
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[quote]Isn’t this what happened in Narcos?[/quote] Si, it happened to Rueben Arce....
[quote]Nah. It's a materialism and selfishness issue [/quote] Ok man, whatever you say. [quote]This I agree with[/quote] You kind of prove my point though. As long as we ignore it's an economics issue, the longer it remains a problem. I guess just keep coping and ignore the problem? Seems to ...
[quote]As a country gets wealthier, kids become more expensive (in real and opportunity costs) and there are fewer reasons to have them. [/quote] We've been the wealthiest country since WW2, it wasn't an issue then. It's an economics issue. I don't see it changing anytime soon either....
If you actually get put and talk to people instead of developing a worldview from social media, you'd realize there isn't some "anti natalism" movement conspiracy. Most people aren't having kids because they can't afford it. FROM MY POINT OF VIEW As a man 1.) It costs about $10k a year for me to...
[quote]You’re not entitled to live in these cities. Live somewhere you can afford[/quote] Anytime someone complains about housing costs, without fail, there will always be a boomer that tells them to go live in a BFE town with zero job prospects....
That's the roughest 22 I've ever seen. I knew English women aged like milk but wow....
[quote]Too bad we can’t exclude Nola, BR and Shreveport public schools from the rankings. I’m sure we would see drastic improvements then.[/quote] Rural districts perform pretty poorly too though. The whole northeastern corner of the state has 3 or 4 parishes that rank lower than EBR or NO and are i...
[quote]do not read the data that way. It clearly is not a spending problem. But of the states who rank as low as La. or lower (Alaska, Okla., Az. and New Mexico) , there is not a large AA population . Instead, there is in each of those states a high native American population.[/quote] It is tho...
Seeing Halle Berry in Flintstones as a horny teenager made me realize how much I like brown chicks....
[quote]We talking pyramid builders or sub-saharan?[/quote] It's Paris so there's a strong possibility that it could be both. Lots of West Africans with roots in the Francophone part of Africa but also lots of Moroccans and Algerians....
[quote]The problem, and I will get racked over the coals for this one, is that schools do not stand up to parents. [/quote] Everybody wants reform until it requires some individual responsibility. Americans are too self absorbed to do that. Liberal parents see accountability as "authoritarianism"...
Too much money going to administration, slow performers (most of whom have 0 disabilities), and other things. Louisiana could easily cut 10% of its spending by installing a hiring freeze of administration, consolidating schools, and making kids in special programs provide their own transportation...
[quote]There are a lot of politics at play, too. If you don’t know someone who’s already in, it’s really hard to get in. I applied once, and there were guys on their 3rd attempt with previous LEO experience and military experience.[/quote] It's Louisiana, a lot of it rides on the "who's ya daddy?...
[quote]It's not a spending problem. It's a demographics problem.[/quote] 100%...
[quote]lol. honestly it’s just laughable how delusional and out of touch most everyone in this thread is. I think most of this thread either has very old children, no children, children too young for school, and again delusional.[/quote] You consistently have some of the dumbest takes on here ...
[quote]But imjustafatkid’s child has a cell phone at school and is doing fine. That’s irrefutable evidence that cell phones at school aren’t a problem[/quote] He also saw a clip of one liberal trans teacher saying Trump was bad on Facebook reels and therefore all teachers are like that. It's scien...

re: Salma Hayek is 57 years old!

Posted by Limitlesstigers on 7/22/24 at 12:14 pm
[quote]Money and genetics are a winning combination.[/quote] Don't want to take anything away from here as she's a naturally gorgeous woman that I constantly fantasized about but she wouldn't look nearly as good if she was a middle class mom from Monterey or San Antonio. ...
[quote]Imagine wanting the people who advocate to make your children less safe by pushing for gun free zones, confuse your children by pretending they can choose their sex/gender (which are the same things), and indoctrinate your children into believing white people and colonialism are the source of...
[quote]As a conservative who has also been a public school teacher for 30 years, I have a sincere “frick you” for you for generalizing about all of those things.[/quote] As an ex conservative teacher, thanks for that. A lot of these "conservatives" need to touch grass and realize most teachers aren'...