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Location:Atlanta, GA
Number of Posts:2443
Registered on:11/6/2019
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[quote]It's not the party line with some people...it's because she is supposedly black. There is alot of stupid and racist idiots out there.[/quote] Agreed. If someone votes for her BECAUSE she is black and someone else doesn't vote for BECAUSE she is black. What's the difference? Nothing they a...
I work in education, so I am surrounded by them every single workday of my life. However, there is a secret group of us conservatives at my school and we whisper in the corners. As far as friends go, they are almost all conservatives....
TBH, I don't think I am very comfortable with a woman as our President. The reason I say this is because many countries around the world not take a female president as seriously as a strong male president like DJT and RR. I would have supported Condi Rice in the past even with her association wi...

re: Harley Davidson - Exposed as Woke

Posted by BamaMamaof2 on 7/25/24 at 12:25 pm
I wonder if HD will have a booth open at the Sturgis Rally? :rotflmao: I'm pretty sure that the attendees will have a thing or 2 to say about the turn of HD!...
[quote]I believe men do things much better than females and I think that there are things a female does better than a male. There is a reason that there are no female Navy Seals and there is a reason more females are teachers.[/quote] I said that there are things each sex does better than the oth...
Like I said, I was in general terms. Not every woman will fall into my 2 types, there are always exceptions....
[quote]Perhaps financially but I would’ve been up shite creek without a paddle many many times without a male. [/quote] That's funny! My oldest brother always says, if all the men were gone and us women were living in the houses, we would being from house to house because thetoilet backed up! He...
[quote]But she's stunningly ignorant about feminism, so she thinks she's not.[/quote] I believe that whoever does the best job, male or female, should be doing the job. I don't think a person should get a job just because they are a female. On the other hand, if the female is most qualified, s...
No, you are incorrect. An independent woman doesn't need to be taken care of, by a husband or the government. Yes, my husband supports the household, but I enjoy working. An independent woman thinks for herself, doesn't watch The View, and get all her news from talk shows. Dependent women are t...
[quote]There are plenty of independent girl boss types with decent jobs/careers who still vote Dem. And they will be thrilled to vote for Kamala in November[/quote] I guess I should have said that this generally the type of white suburban women voters, Of course there are exceptions....
There is a group that is like me who has never voted for a democrat in my whole life. We were raised by strong fathers who taught us to be independent and self-reliant. My mother never worked, but ran a house with 5 children, and did a damn good job. Me and my sisters were raised on the value that t...

re: This has to be a simulation.

Posted by BamaMamaof2 on 7/23/24 at 6:58 am
I know several people who believe we have been living in a simulation, well they aren't all in, but pretty darn close. With everything that has been happening in the last few years, it does make you wonder. Males competing in woman's sports, who would have ever believed that 10 years ago? Men g...
We know she wasn't protecting President Trump. We all saw those monsters he has protecting him now, Thank goodness!...

re: JD Vance presidential potential

Posted by BamaMamaof2 on 7/18/24 at 12:56 pm
He was an embedded reporter....
It first came to my attention when Clinton played with his cigar in the Oval Office, lied under oath, and a lot of people just shrugged their shoulders. I knew then that the left was willing to excuse any behavior to keep it's power. It has been downhill since then....
Honestly I would have been screaming, what do I do, just like those female SS were doing. The difference is, I'm not in the SS. ...
They have sell outs almost every game. We went once and it was great, I highly recomend if you have the chance, go see them!...
[quote]HAVE FALLEN[/quote] Since several of you are so easily distracted by a simple typo, I fixed it for you....
What a sad commentary of our country when the fitness of our President is measured by whether he doesn’t “freeze” when speaking. I have heard a lot of the pundits applaud Biden for getting thru the press conference for simply not freezing while he is giving his speech. They brush off that he called ...
[quote]My favorite line though was when he said women are getting raped by their inlaws, spouses, brothers and sisters. SISTERS are raping SISTERS? [/quote] I about spit by drink out of my mouth when he said that. I texted my oldest sister and asked her if she ever considered rapping me or our...