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re: 2024 Formula 1 season Thread

Posted by GerryDiNardo on 7/24/24 at 4:08 pm
[quote]Hamilton, bottas, and George got theirs with Mercedes[/quote] Hamilton also had numerous victories and a title with McLaren....
[quote]Although, anything will be a downgrade from SEC on CBS music[/quote] If they didn't just put the old SEC on CBS song into Chat GPT and ask it to make a new song like this then someone should be fired. ...
Graphics aren't bad, but I pray to god they aren't trying to replace the iconic SEC on CBS theme song with a glorified version of "Here Comes the Muffin Man" on a guitar....
[quote]John Creuzot was born in New Orleans and spent his youth in Houston before coming to the Dallas area in the 1970s and graduating from the University of North Texas in 1978 and [b]Southern Methodist University School of Law in 1982[/b]. He is a member of Holy Trinity Catholic Church and curren...
[quote]The guy that replaced him is their hottest hitter. Gtfooh[/quote] Montgomery lead the SEC in RBIs and had 25+ bombs. He absolutely protected the bid kid in front of him in the lineup. Now teams just pitch around him. He was also infinitely better defensively than the CFer that they resh...
Yes, you're clearly right. Losing what appears to be a top 5 pick in the MLB draft was definitely good for them. ...

re: Why is Lesticles suing LSU

Posted by GerryDiNardo on 6/20/24 at 10:23 am
He is upset that they didn't vacate basketball wins, despite Wade being directly implicated in more numerous and serious infractions. To me, this is sour grapes. I doubt he would make it to the HOF after some of the other scandals....
The answer has to be Paul Finebaum. He has grown from Poli Sci degree at UT to local sports radio show host to ESPN/SEC personality making a damn good salary all because he knows his audience so well and how to keep them engaged. He's making millions as basically a professional shite poster....
Congratulations, you typed a novel just to tell the internet how insecure you are with everything else in your life besides LSU sports. ...
[quote] he held on to the ball for too long.[/quote] The number 1 requirement for starting QB on the Bears. ...
It’s kind of like getting caught on an FBI wire tap making strong arse offers from your wife’s bank account. Everyone was making strong arse offers, but no one was doing it on wire taps from their wife’s acct. ...
The NCAA is trying everything they can not be hit with more antitrust lawsuits which would probably bring them down like a house of cards. Kavanaugh's consenting opinion in their last antitrust case clearly set off alarm bells at the NCAA....
Welp. If it wasn't over already, it's over now....
Calling Cease a "very average pitcher" is a bit too reactionary to his 2023 campaign. Cease has a very high ceiling and is under team control through 25. To reach his potential, he needs to be able to throw his slider for strikes. His slider is filthy and is on par with Spencer Strider in terms o...
Still on ASP.net? [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExOWE3Mm80YzJmdzNnNWIwd29ob3EzbmlvZWFlcTl6djUxbnhpMDFmeCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/XuLXZa0PJNiV2/giphy.gif[/img][/nerd]...
[quote]Member since Nov 2023[/quote] Do you?...
[quote]Considering all of LSU's rivals have an actual main rival that isn't LSU, you might wanna sit this one out champ.[/quote] This thread just serves to prove my point. This is just embarrassing for both fan bases. ...
If this pettiness is indicative of the A&M/Texas rivalry, I'm not surprised no one outside of the state of texas really gives a shite about it....

re: .

Posted by GerryDiNardo on 1/23/24 at 8:55 am
[quote]I think Mecum paid to be exclusive on motor trend a few years ago.[/quote] Mecum has far more events and is more attractive to TV companies than Barrett Jackson because of this. They most certainly get paid to be on MT....