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Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Number of Posts:3961
Registered on:9/3/2019
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This is a big deal. Backfield is stacked with talent, Emery included — but it’s hard to substitute for experience. We’ve seen seasoned players get reps over frosh with more upside countless times, and there’s a reason for that. Emery has the upside to go along with it… very real potential he p...
[quote]He’s getting paid to play?[/quote] Not commenting on Brown but… LSU [i]doesn’t[/i] pay the baseball team lol? Can anyone confirm this? From what I’ve heard from student athletes, everyone is getting paid. Set for life money? Probably not. But a living wage on top of a scholarship seems pl...
Did you even watch the regional? That was like Tommy’s only bad swing the entire tournament just came at a bad time lol. Not his fault their defense is nails. White was smacking balls all over the place, they just kept winding up in gloves. These were line drives, not like he was just flying out ...
What you laughing at? The zone was consistent through both games, and if anyone benefited from it… it was us....
Games like this are why you should want an electronic center fielder. Whole regional was fairly well officiated. ETA: Brown will be great. Plenty what-ifs in this one. Not tearing the kid apart, but JS it is what it is & we lost because they played better ball. You just can’t have that sh...
Was thinking the same thing. Heroic effort. Sad that no one will remember because of the outcome. Lots of what ifs in this one, but impressive postseason run by this squad regardless....
That’s a shame. Baseball is my wife’s favorite sport. She likes how slow the game is because it’s easy for her to wrap her head around the rules & strategy (and we can casually chat about what’s happening), and she likes the emergent in-game / tournament story lines with individual players. ...
Joe Burrow throwback went over a lot of heads lol...
[quote]But how can you run a ball screen offense with a center that... doesn't set good ball screens?? And has no ability to score off the roll? You can't. [/quote] That was kind of my point man. Idk why ppl are worked up over me a throwing Baker a bone that he is a good *shooting* center. I tor...
[quote]This isn't the 1970s. We don't need someone who is a post scorer to be successful.[/quote] That’s why I gave an example of a current player for another conference team. No it’s not 1970, but this killed us in a lot of games — look at MSU. [quote]Baker liked to work out of the post but his...
It’s a post-season thing you have to earn your way to, that’s all. Everyone does that in every sport. Football teams hung divisional banners when we had divisions. shite, rivalry trophies even existing is technically worse than anything. They’re fun, but it’s still one game....

re: Men’s Basketball Program

Posted by DeathByTossDive225 on 3/19/24 at 11:34 pm
[quote]He’s up there with Dirk and KD[/quote] At LSU then. And if he could handle a ball or move at all & wasn’t playing center instead of shooting forward, he might put up 30 PPG lol. He just can’t handle a ball… or move… or play defense… or rebound …or post up …or dribble …or catch …or pass....
Hannibal was a Tasmanian devil on the court at times this season. And several times did it damn near 40 minutes. Competitors like that make CBB fun....

re: Men’s Basketball Program

Posted by DeathByTossDive225 on 3/19/24 at 10:06 pm
[quote]The only upside I am holding on to is the fact that MM was 17-14 in his first season at Murray St then 16-17 in his second season then after that had single digit losses in his next 5 years. So in theory next year should be much better, but It seems like something is missing in his teams...
This is fair. I’m gonna let him actually put together the 2025 roster before I blow the horn, considering he was somewhat handicapped in year one. But again, fair. I agree he’s a good floor coach & if he’s gonna have success here he will have to put together a complete roster. If more of his ...

re: Hannibal just said…

Posted by DeathByTossDive225 on 3/19/24 at 9:21 pm
[quote]I didn’t give that reason and I’m the OP. Get your shite straight.[/quote] You’re completely right, I edited & left you out of it. If you want my positive takeaway it’s that this team probably overachieved with one available PG most of the season & no strength inside. I’m sold that McMa...

re: Hannibal just said…

Posted by DeathByTossDive225 on 3/19/24 at 9:12 pm
[quote]Sounds like Hannibal needs to get off his arse and play hard. Complete rework of the roster is needed[/quote] Hannibal is a senior whose brand is playing hard :lol:. It’s painfully obvious how many shitposting after every loss know zilch about the program....
[quote]This team won 2 conference games last year. Was expected to finish almost dead last in the SEC this year. Beat #11 SC on the road and KY at home. Anyone who says this team hasn’t improved is just looking for attention or doesn’t watch. CMM is doing well. Regardless of how this game ends.[/quo...

re: Lmao MM supporters

Posted by DeathByTossDive225 on 3/19/24 at 7:20 pm
Yeah actually everyone with any amount of emotional control is happy with 9 conference wins coming from last year lol. If they build on the momentum, that’s what you want. What you don’t want is year-to-year stagnation or regression. How many conference wins in Wade’s last season? JS...

re: Lmao MM supporters

Posted by DeathByTossDive225 on 3/19/24 at 7:13 pm
[quote]Four. That’s how many games LSU won after trailing at the half [/quote]. Correct. Is this in support of my point or a gotcha? Honestly I can’t tell lol. That isn’t counting general double-digit comebacks, and to be fair the size of the deficit is more material to the point than halftime...