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Great Plains Drifter

Favorite team:Nebraska 
Number of Posts:4908
Registered on:7/12/2019
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Entirely predictable coming from this regime....
[quote]Damn this dude lies alot[/quote] It’s indeed the one area ol’ Joe excelled at....

re: The Dukes of MAGA

Posted by Great Plains Drifter on 7/24/24 at 10:23 am
That is some good stuff, lol. Well done....
Maxine wouldn’t recognize smart if it slapped her upside the head....
Probably have a nice home with enough room to share living space and that good wine with 3-4 illegal migrant families. Surely, they will follow up in coming weeks with a post demonstrating that they have done this and not only do they signal their virtue but they practice their virtue. ...
Sure, ok. We’ll see if they can sustain their level of excitable hysterics through early November....
It’s gonna be a long 3 months with these daily polls all over the place....
There’s simply crazy, insane, unhinged……and then there’s Olbermann....
[quote]The specific problem is that she was appointed “Border Czar” by Biden. And the border happens to be in the worst shape it ever has in modern times.[/quote] Oh, trust me, I know all that. My point is neither her, nor Biden or anyone else in this regime was ever serious about the border (se...
[quote]Border Czar’ Harris has NEVER spoken with the current or previous Border Patrol chief:[/quote] Why would she have? Only interest she has with any border is how many more people they can get across, get em on the dole or working menial jobs, and primarily voting for the Democrat party. ...
I’ve never had much use for her. She’ll do a couple of good things here and there on occasion but you have to wade through a lot of crap to get there....
“Vincent’s” brain cells went on an extended leave quite some time ago. They may never return to active, working status....
Psychopaths do consistently seem drawn to anti-MAGA sentiments and movements. ...
If people have enjoyed and want more of the divisive insanity of DEI, the insanity of “Green Energy”, continued expenses that outpace income, mass illegal immigration, being the world’s military/financial Hall Monitor, general deconstruction of our Republic, and no accountability for any of it, the...
[quote]He has to call the cop stupid and has to praise the fact that he has been arrested and charged with murder. Has to be strong with his words and tear this cop to the ground. Neutralize the race conversation now.[/quote] Why, so he too can tap dance to The Narrative? I’m sorry that lady w...
Crazy-arssed thoughts and no filter or self control from sharing them for the world to see. We closed down all the asylums and instead find these folks now throughout higher education. Lord help us....
Even for the modern Dem party and it’s supporters, that would be beyond the pale if true. Another new high reached in just how low they will go. ...
Quite a bit of time between now and November. Silly for either side to be spiking any footballs yet here in July. Kamala has generally been an underwhelming public figure to put it politely. In spite of any initial real/manufactured enthusiasm in this first few days, she herself is going ...
It’s the age we live in now: Constant instant “breaking stories” and resulting instant reaction courtesy social media 24 hour “news”/spin channels - mainly there to drive narratives and public opinion instead of simply reporting news. Government that is anything but transparent and by its o...