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Location:Chasing the Sun
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Registered on:6/3/2019
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re: Netanyahu is a serious problem.

Posted by Auslander on 5/9/24 at 8:58 pm
[quote] You mean sorta like Ukraine ?[/quote] Yup.....And what religion is the president of Ukraine? ...

re: Netanyahu is a serious problem.

Posted by Auslander on 5/9/24 at 8:49 pm
[quote] It’s absolutely none of our business who they elect.[/quote] It sure as hell is our business when our AMERICAN TAX DOLLARS are going to a foreign country instead of our own citizens. Please don't be a shabos goy...

re: Anti-Semitism Law

Posted by Auslander on 5/2/24 at 11:11 am
Ill say it again, the Jews are not here for us. The bible says the jews will never have a homeland. The jews in Israel will destroy the world.... There is a reason for thousand of years every culture, society, empire has despised them.........the truth is the truth. They killed our savior, they...

re: Ideal titty size?

Posted by Auslander on 4/29/24 at 5:58 pm
Don't you mean dick size, you f@ggie...
[quote]So why is there no coverage??? [/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/Ig60s6pX2ugAAAAC/money-dance-money-rain.gif[/img]...
Lot easier said than done. This building's plumbing system would essentially need to be torn out and have new pipes installed to handle all the water needed for residential or hotel uses. Normally commercial buildings don't have the right infrastructure in place to handle a conversion easily (HV...
Sounds like it's Hydrolocked. Like other posters said, better to call insurance and let them total it. ...
[quote]Dr. Perez highlighted the recent series of losses the university family has faced, including students, colleagues, and supporters[/quote] Clintons doing work...
[quote]I hope we can expand this war into Iran. [/quote] Hahah let me know how that works out....there is a reason why no one has gone to war with Iran.... Ask Iraq and Saddam how that 8 years war went with Iran. ...
Thanks for confirming to everyone what a loser you are...... he even upvoted his own previous comment....dork :lol:...
Thanks for confirming to everyone what a loser you are...... he even upvoted his own previous comment....dork :lol:...
Thanks for confirming to everyone what a loser you are...... he even upvoted his own previous comment....dork :lol:...
[quote]OK so you genocide away all the jews. Then what?[/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/31e5d010-6711-48be-9603-9660b70c3b6b_text.gif[/img] [quote]what an imbecilic statement[/quote] Now use your words and tell us why....and don't use the Balfour declaration as your basis of argument :lol:...
[quote]It is funny that Egypt, Jordan and other Muslim countries don't want their fellow Gazan Muslims. Is this because they hate and fear them, or they want them to continue to be a problem for Israel?[/quote] You realize Israel was created for teh sheer fact that NO COUNTRY wanted to take the j...
[quote]It’s evident at this point that one party of the US has been completely overtaken by Hamas supporters and antisemites.[/quote] [img]https://i.chzbgr.com/full/5223637248/h065BD6B3/nyan-kampf[/img]...
Funny story, i almost bought this dude's car two days ago out of dallas. ...
There is a guy in LA that is known as the squatter hunter. He essentially has the legal owner sign a lease with him. The guy then survails the house until he sees an oppourunity to get in. If he gets in without the other squatter in there he then changes the locks and let's the squatter have a choi...
Corko or Corkfather? I vaguely recall this, wasn't it like 20+ pages long with SWP getting involved? ETA: think '09 or '10...
Give a shite....life isn't meant sweating this stupid shite. ...
Not sure what’s going on but that’s like the 3rd or 4th porn start to have died in a short time. Might be an 5th one passing soon; Emily Willis is in a vegetative coma and probably might not come out of it. I get that drugs are rampant in this industry but damn. [link=(https://parade.com/n...