Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:2009,2011 BCS National Champions
Number of Posts:10032
Registered on:7/24/2007
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[quote]They’re doing the roll call two weeks before the convention to avoid any possible issues with ballot access in Ohio. She will already be the nominee by the time the convention opens.[/quote] A: your counting chickens before they hatch. B: The only delegates that matter are at the conv...
[quote]She is already outperforming Biden in the polls [/quote] There are know legitimate polls done since she's taken over. Well know in a couple of weeks. [quote] the Dem base is extremely motivated and excited now.[/quote] Your mistaking media propaganda for excitement. Again we won't kn...
[quote]They’re nominating her next week. She has the delegates, zero challengers, and the endorsement of every relevant democrat. She’s the nominee.[/quote] Lol.... the dnc is in 3 weeks and if she is still 8 points down in the swing states she'll be out at an open convention and it will be Ga...
I think your misreading the headline. Because of the scotus ruling he can't stop local municipalities from doing it so he's passing an executive order to make it as hard and complicated to do as possible....
If they simultaneously suspend counting at 11pm in metro areas of swing states my head may explode....
[quote] For dynasty recruiting, how do I stop recruits from signing with me that I didn't recruit.[/quote] In your dynasty options do you have recruiting set to manual or assisted?...
Sorry if already asked but can anyone explain how your play style rating is calculated. I'll drop from a A to a C- in a single week and get locked out on half of my recruits. Then a couple weeks later I'm magically back to an A but I'm now behind on recruiting. It makes no sense. ...
[quote]If elected in November, the Trump administration would have direct access to all of it, the players, the planning, everything[/quote] Like he had access to russiagate? I'm in the incompetence over conspiracy camp but if the 3 letter agencies don't want trump to see something he's not going...
GTA, sometimes I just want to drive around f s up. ...
[quote] the kid mentioned that he was bullied for the way he dressed and continuing to wear a mask[/quote] So your saying he had a documented history of being influenced by political and media propaganda ...
[quote](with room temperature IQs)[/quote] Uncalled for...
Lady who was in the bleachers say 2 people were shot in the bleachers. Shooter had maybe climbed in the bleachers. Interview on nbc...
[quote] Yet no one has taken a shot at Biden or Obama. In fact the only recent attempts have been on Republicans. Ford, Reagan, and now Trump.[/quote] Don't forget the softball game...

re: Joe Biden’s X Account

Posted by Alabama Slim on 7/13/24 at 4:12 pm
[quote]Now Joe Biden’s X account is posting all sorts of strange things.[/quote] Like.....?...
He honestly believes "presidential historians" love him...