Favorite team:LSU 
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Registered on:4/22/2019
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Usually don't spend money Monday-Thursday. I go to work and go home. If work is slow I'll order a bunch of hunting stuff. ...
The hardest test for a welder to pass is the drug test. Good luck. ...
[quote]mrcoon[/quote] You just increased the pressure there. ...
[quote]most Millennial and Gen Z women[/quote] most is a strong word...
Yeah. Was going through a bunch of newspaper articles that were in my great aunt's trunk when she passed. My great uncle was murdered by his wife in the 40s or 50s after she discovered him with his creole mistress. My mom and her siblings had no idea. They thought he'd passed from cancer or som...

re: How much for quality Irish Setter?

Posted by Loup on 7/26/24 at 12:35 pm
[quote]and have always loved Irish Setters.[/quote] Did you read the Big Red books when you were a kid? They're the reason I've always wanted one. ...
[quote]Some dude will be like "hey after 50 years of looking we found the latke recipe of my great great aunt who died in the Holocaust and here it is" and it'll get 14 downvotes and a bunch of passive aggressive comments.[/quote] spot on :lol:...
I want to believe that he's only weighing the fat kids :lol: ...

re: Virginia Button Weed- when do I give up?

Posted by Loup on 7/26/24 at 10:11 am
[quote]Needs multiple applications in my experience but it does kill it. Just be prepared for your desired turf to be stunted for quite a while.[/quote] I spot treated VBW in the st aug in my front yard back in May. You can still see where I sprayed it. ...
I don't go to the OT looking for smart people stuff. I want to laugh. The dumber the better. ...

re: Disney Adults...What an odd group.

Posted by Loup on 7/26/24 at 10:07 am
you would love the plus sized park hoppers [embed]https://youtube.com/shorts/QP7HTxBpoIM?si=VULrHj0gCt8mFO4k[/embed] I don't think they are physically able to hop, though. More like plus sized park waddlers...
[quote]What is loony about PT? be specific[/quote] Remember when the migrant caravan was coming through Mexico? Most of the posts there were talking about how the best option was to just have the national guard open fire when they approached the border. A guy said maybe we can just not let th...

re: Are Shelties the best dogs?

Posted by Loup on 7/26/24 at 7:44 am
My lab eats them the first time I tell her to :lol: Is she pretty skittish around strangers? The few I've been around were all pretty skittish but damn good dogs. ...

re: High housing prices...

Posted by Loup on 7/25/24 at 3:41 pm
[quote]It's really not crazy that 2 people making 60k a year each can afford a 300k starter home[/quote] frick that, you'd still be house poor. ...
[quote]along with a 12” EWO 1 stick with a scout platform on top.[/quote] Is it easy to climb with the platform on top of the stick? I use a single Novix stick with aiders along with the rappelling setup and platform. I've been curious about the true one stick set up for a while. ...
[quote] I got married in a t shirt shop for the price of a justice of the peace ceremony, went 45 minutes out of town to a hotel and had a nice dinner, and it was one of the greatest days of my life because I was getting married.[/quote] I did similar. Got married by a Justice of the Peace afte...
[quote]Loup - so the Hunt Arsenal is worth it then?[/quote] Yeah I'm 100% happy with it. I had a Tethered Predator XL before. The best part about the Hunt Arsenal is how much flatter it packs than a lot of the others. No regrets, glad I spent the money on it. ...
[quote]So it looks like I'll be using a back pack [/quote] If the drag is more than 100 yards I'm using a backpack. Takes a little bit longer to clean on the ground but you don't have to wash the truck out, dump guts, clean skinning shed, etc. I can get a deer cleaned and packed up in about 20 ...
I bought the RZR 1.0 last year and love it. Price had me salty until the first time I held/used it. Well worth it. I was kind of annoyed when they announced the 2.0 a month after I bought 1.0 but oh well. I'm happy with it. Most of the things I bought this summer were to make camping while...