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Favorite team:Arkansas 
Location:Texarkana, Texas
Biography:High draw with my irons, God they look great gnawing on the pin.
Interests:Golf, Beisbol', Football
Number of Posts:226
Registered on:3/24/2019
Online Status:Not Online

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I say this one..The GOAT'S 1-iron in 1971 on the 219yd par 3 17th at Pebble Beach. What say you, fellas ?...
Aggie is worried about an altered Steer once again. They will always be The Sips little brother and now that Big Brother will once again be sharing a room absolutely asinine things (see Schlossnagle) comes spewing forth from lil' bro....
And you would have never gotten the ultimate payback with that WO homer...

re: LSU should just leave

Posted by Caughtthat4ironflush on 5/25/24 at 4:32 pm
I am on your side. But never mind that. Don't let the facts get in the way of trivialities. Doesn't matter who is catching...

re: LSU should just leave

Posted by Caughtthat4ironflush on 5/25/24 at 4:27 pm
Correct call according to the rules. The rule states "on or in front of the plate, well the catcher wasn't touching the plate technically but Trubinsky had it covered up by straddling the plate. It's a CH SHYT call but it is correct. The rule, as written, is horibble...

re: LSU should just leave

Posted by Caughtthat4ironflush on 5/25/24 at 4:23 pm
Correct call according to the rules. The rule states "on or in front of the plate, well the catcher wasn't touching the plate technically but Trubinsky had it covered up by ...
Yep. To hell with worrying about ESPN and it's DEI hardliner stance. ESPN will never stake-in on basketball or football because 13% of the country uses 75% to 80% of its roster space. Seems to me basketball and football should be the starting place of DEI. You'd hear anguished screams "RACISM !" fir...
No, not at all. In the real world one s@...
Wrong..they don't know who they are but my best guess is that since tomorrow is the 1st of the month they'll all flee to the student union to get their packet of cash and food stamps then once again feel free to bash the those imperialist called Americans....
Aggie, we're talking basketball now. The right to speak must be granted to any SEC team that has a coach with a "high and tight" haircut and if you have never won a NC in roundball, watch, listen and learn, Farmer !...
Such is the depth of the UK delusion....
CBMFP is the head coach in waiting on the Hill. Should have never been fired in the first place....
Bama fans are about to learn that no one and I do mean not a single reputable basketball program has one single fear of the Alabama Crimson Tide. You guys are about to be taught a hard lesson....
At what point in time did the Yeller Hammers begin to give one "flying frick" about baskstball ?? Bammers have always postulated that any sport beside Spring football and Fall Football was a waste of time. What happened, you fickle Tide fans ? Could it be because St. Nick has left the capstone in ...
Klever, but don't sucker me in on what will likely be referred to as an anti-semitic remark. As I remember the crucifixion of Yeshua it was the Roman's who did the dirty work per the request of the powerful Jewish Rabbi's...
Well, rest of the SEC, you guys have to carry the SEC standard this year. No more Razorbacks to rise up and knock off an overall #1 seed. Sad to say....

Baseball post-game presser

Posted by Caughtthat4ironflush on 3/17/24 at 6:14 pm
"GORILLA BALL" how Peyton Stovall, along with Aloy described Arkansas baseball this season..asked if it was the back-to-back-to-back big flies on Saturday and Stovall replied "no, it's just an attitude which pervades this team to hit the ball as hard as we absolutely can in every at-bat" Do...
[b]Release the KRACKEN[/b] lb for lb the most talented WR in collegiate football...
With the 3-lettered word "BIG" BEING THE OPERATIVE adjective....
You like your women future candidates for the 2028 version entitled "MY 600 POUND LIFE: ALABAMA CORNBREAD, BUTTER AND BROWN GRAVY THE CULPRIT. ...