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Location:Broussard, La
Number of Posts:17
Registered on:2/15/2019
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Conservatives live in reality. I'm not even sure what planet liberals live on...
Nobody wants to be on a losing team and they heard where the winners are...
Globalists said to report it and us common folks don't need any explanation. Last thing they want us doing is thinking...

re: A Warning, but from Whom?

Posted by sjv407 on 4/16/19 at 2:42 pm
These people have destroyed their own homelands by fighting one another for thousands of years. They simply cannot assimilate with any other culture and will bring distruction wherever they go. Churches in France have been under attack for a couple of years without any mention of it by MSM but we ar...
Trump has a veto pen so I ain't too worried about it. I'm actually happy that this circus is going on showing the true idiocracy of the liberal morons ...
You would think that Bob Mueller and his intelligence staff would have found anything useful to their "witch hunt"...
How TF is it a white man's fault that black men commit more crimes ? Please ? ...
it could have something to do with the softball questions they know CNN will toss? Liberals are cowards and will not be blindsided by a real journalist asking real questions...
There is yet another "stormy" hoe waiting to say bad orange man made her go peepee on him and Biden's groping would ruin her chances of disrupting Trump's reelection...
The man will be reelected in a landslide despite sky screaming liberal heads exploding...
It'll be nonstop entertainment you can bet...
I definately think Obama knew and pushed people to get involved to help. Trump is so PO'd that he's gonna make sure every American knows exactly what the polished turd did. ...

re: Corey Booker scares the hell out of me

Posted by sjv407 on 3/28/19 at 10:02 am
Obama made sure that there won't be another minority president for a long time and the spygate shite hasn't even hit the fan YET...