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I don’t have a problem with Vance but I think Youngkin was the best option....
[quote]WaltWhite504[/quote] This is what delusion looks like :lol:...
In a perfect world where Trump is disciplined and sticks to the plan he should absolutely be back. In the real world being relegated to a platform no one is on has actually helped him....
[quote]She is worse than Biden.[/quote] Y'all are delusional. She is already outperforming Biden in the polls and fundraising and the Dem base is extremely motivated and excited now....
[quote]She had a slight bump but he was always 8-10 points ahead at minimum[/quote] There’s no chance Trump is winning the popular vote by 8-10 points and Rasmussen pushing those numbers calls into question their credibility....
9/11 and JFK aren’t even close to what we are experiencing now. Go watch some random news programs from the past and you will notice stark differences. There was a lot of bias for sure but we are in a full blown state of propaganda today....
[quote]Are they punting to 2028, bc straight up DJT smokes Kamala in every state right?[/quote] They would have just stuck with Biden if that were so. The Dems are not “punting” and letting Trump back in. This is going to be a war and Kamala is a tougher battle than this board is realizing....
I’m starting to lean towards he shouldn’t debate her unless it’s on Fox or he gets to pick a moderator. The media is out of control trying to prop her up. ...
[quote]texridder[/quote] Have you ever said a single bad thing about a democrat in your life?...
[quote]bullshite—-according to who? [/quote] Anyone that actually cares about “democracy”. And the recent CNN poll back this up within their own party. ...
[quote]The fake concern from Republicans about the democrats nomination process is disingenuous and doesn’t land with anyone that isn’t already voting R. She’s the nominee get over it. Hammer her on covering up Joe’s condition.[/quote] I agree with this but it isn’t fake. What the democrats did ...
Trump needs to fire Wray day 1. It’s been two weeks and he doesn’t know if the bullet shattered the teleprompter....
[quote]Republicans are missing a grand opportunity[/quote] The Republicans have zero say in initiating the 25th amendment. They are powerless....
Reed Hastings has been a massive democrat for ages and now y’all are upset and cancelling?...
They control the entire freaking media. Until this is somehow broken they will be a force to reckon with no matter how insane or awful their policies are...
We just had a far more significant attack on “our democracy” like 10 fricking days ago...

re: Trump made his arse quit.

Posted by DallasTiger11 on 7/24/24 at 7:33 pm
Biden is a pathetic excuse of a man. Good riddance....
Why is he stepping down if he has such great plans?!...
Everything I’ve heard about Shapiro is he’s a star and really popular in PA. I can’t imagine why he would run with her instead of wait it out for 2028. I always say VP is irrelevant but he might get them over the line in PA....
His network’s own poll just said the overwhelming majority of her own party wants someone else :lol:...