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Registered on:9/22/2018
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How much does he or she make? Preferably people that are self made or didn't inherit all their money from their parents....
[link=(https://fox2now.com/2018/09/28/mother-files-federal-lawsuit-after-son-doesnt-make-varsity-team/)]LINK[/link] ST. LOUIS, MO — The mother of a Ladue High School student took her case to the federal courthouse after her son, called John Doe in legal documents, did not make the varsity soccer ...

So when's the vote?

Posted by Mozart on 9/27/18 at 1:23 pm
I'm hearing that it's Friday...
Could you imagine if he places RBG with Ted Cruz? There would be 20 fake witness testifying he's the Zodiac Killer...
"I can read fast" So yeah let me bullshite this real quick...
I need caffeine to enhance my bullshite...
"I have never questioned from a prosecutor" Bitch just tell the truth :rotflmao:...

re: Kavanaugh should not be confirmed

Posted by Mozart on 9/27/18 at 9:49 am
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:...
Its like Lindsey Lohan's voice in RBG with a blonde wig. I feel like I'm hearing the audiobook for Mean Girls or some shite...
[img]https://a1cf74336522e87f135f-2f21ace9a6cf0052456644b80fa06d4f.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/images/characters/p-Bobs-Burgers-John-Roberts.jpg[/img] She looks like Linda from Bobs burgers...
God I hope this female prosecutor makes her cry. ...
frick this double chin snowflake arse bitch...
Where were these teachers when I was in middle school? All the teachers that molest these kids look like they belong on Brazzers...
Yup same with me. He has all the momentum. It's just age....
Here's the odds: Donald Trump +150 Kamala Harris +1000 Bernie Sanders +1200 Joe Biden +1400 Elizabeth Warren +1500 Cory Booker +2000 Kirsten Gillibrand +3000 If those 6 primary each other, who comes out at top? ...

re: Jeff Flake is such a POS

Posted by Mozart on 9/26/18 at 12:38 pm
Dudes the biggest pussy ever...