Favorite team:UConn 
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Registered on:3/29/2007
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I mean, I don't think it has anything to do with voters...it has to do with how many ballots get put into mailboxes in 4 states at 2am...

re: Zelenskyy called Trump today…

Posted by lsurulz1515 on 7/19/24 at 5:26 pm
We get this from Trump, while the actual president shat himself three times today in front of a TV eating a jar of applesauce, while his wife texts his administration...
I hear they're bringing an actual wolf on stage [link=(https://images.app.goo.gl/mpyYYZN5H4PDimk46)](said wolf)[/link]...
And after Adam Smith fails, there will be no accountability by the parents, faculty, and school admin who pushed for this....

re: Fire the Q Thread back up!

Posted by lsurulz1515 on 7/17/24 at 4:45 pm
That thread was a cancer...
[quote]Hearing a player is on campus and barring a last minute decision gives me PTSD[/quote] Yeah we've been in that boat before. Crawford, right?...
She's got a lifetime supply of Pepsi and cheetos. How can one leave that endorsement deal?...
Ole baw got tired of having to go to the store for the sauce, so set up shop directly at the vineyard:lol:...
In a weird symmetrical fashion, that chick's chin has the same square footage as her forehead...
From supposed deranged shooter in that video: "Slash his throat. Every fricking republican. Suck my fricking balls." But 4-5 posters in this thread claim this event wasn't politically motivated...
[quote]That's standing at one field goal post and shooting a football off the other field goal post, when the football is just a tiny as apec that is probably covered up by the iron sights.[/quote] Yeah, that's gonna take a pretty decent shot, even by OT standards...
[quote]yall stoop to low things like trying to call me a racist. [/quote] Literally 2 or 3 posts ago you called everyone on this board a racist lol...
[quote]I have seen a picture of the shooter and it looks like your classic antifa guy. It's not the fat guy who was initially posted.[/quote] Here's your attention. Care to share with the class?...
[quote]LMAO still haven't provided 1 example[/quote] He won't. He can't. But he's getting his attention...so sad...
Checking in. Hasn't rained a drop. My brother in pville off hooshoo too is out too. Texted Entergy and got a conservative 930pm restoration time (I atleast hope it's conservative)...

re: Schloss is a Liar

Posted by lsurulz1515 on 6/25/24 at 6:02 pm
[quote]Schloss is a Liar[/quote] aTm is just weird...