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OP takes his username from a song but still can't spell Baronne. ...
[quote]WaltTeevens[/quote] One thing that fascinates me about leftists thought patterns is: A person wanting to keep what is rightfully theirs = GREEDY A person with less wanting to take something away from someone else so they can have it for themselves = NOT GREEDY ...but then again...
How can something be 'boneless' if it has bones? When did words stop having meaning?...
[img]https://i.ibb.co/BCjjCWf/7fc5ff96-b68b-43ff-8d88-4598c86e0be1.jpg[/img] Wonder where she learned that?...

re: She’ll be replaced

Posted by Smeg on 7/25/24 at 8:27 am
[img]https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/07/23/11/87658947-0-image-a-2_1721728917635.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/DDMXt3d/ogih0pkiha091-1.jpg[/img] 22? She reminds me of the preacher from Poltergeist. That lefty vegan diet sure is rough on a body....

re: Burn that shite! Burn that shite!

Posted by Smeg on 7/24/24 at 2:49 pm
Looks almost like an insurrection....
How come the other agents could tolerate the same heat on a roof with a greater slope?...

re: No ladder used by shooter - FBI

Posted by Smeg on 7/24/24 at 2:17 pm
[quote]Same as Kamala[/quote] [img]https://i.ibb.co/T8Nb5PB/Anqq81.gif[/img]...

re: How Many Shots by Counter Snipers?

Posted by Smeg on 7/24/24 at 1:34 pm
That second volley of shots after the initial 3... it sounds like some shots are on top of one another. That has to be a mix of more than one shooter....
It's very obvious if the attempt had been successful, the media and left would have blamed Trump. "He was asking for it. What do you expect when you're literally Hitler?" Etc...
Didn't Lynn Dean want to convert the smoke stack to a prison? I think a guy jumped off it with a parachute type thing once too....
[img]https://i.ibb.co/bK0QdRD/81sp-Ivn7-L7-L-AC-SL1500-1.jpg[/img] James 'Kamala' Harris really brought fun times to the WWF in the 80's. [embed]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugaga6vJz9s[/embed] Remember life before all the outrage?...
[quote]This was a simple frick up[/quote] Bless your heart...