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re: Tay Tay

Posted by NOLATiger163 on 2/9/25 at 11:52 pm


he runs off with Gracie Hunt.
hmmm … can’t decide if that’s an upgrade or downgrade

That would end when his contract does.

You make that sound like it's a bug instead of a feature.

re: Tay Tay

Posted by NOLATiger163 on 2/9/25 at 10:48 pm

Does she break up with him now they lost?

Plot twist: he runs off with Gracie Hunt.

(No, I'm not suggesting that he do that!)
Eh, the boost he got in the world because his dad was DA in New Orleans got him, hmm, let's see:
* maybe Jesuit would not have let him attend half-day and then go to NOCCA the other half (I don't think they let other boys do that);
* maybe he got to meet some local musicians and local music indust
For anyone interested in understanding the medical side a bit more, FWIW:

* A lot of people seem to think COPD and emphysema are the same thing, because emphysema is the most common form of COPD, but they're not. Other types of COPD include chronic bronchitis and some rarer stuff.

* Smoking is


Let's see, what will Russia end up with?
You literally can't analyze anything about Ukraine's prospects or results without multiple posters going "BUT BUT BUT BUT RUSSIA..." Its almost exhausting.

That Ukraine is likely to end up with less territory than it started wit

I think the more relevant point is "what will Russia end up with once the conflict ends" and the answer is "more than they had when it began" which is bad for Ukraine

Let's see, what will Russia end up with?
* a long border with NATO-member Finland instead of neutral Finland;
* Swe
[quote]Woman, 34, Arrested After Police Say She Threw 'First Date' Brick Through Ex-Husband's Window Sabrina Coyne, 34, insisted she hadn't launched anything at the Florida property, despite video footage showing otherwise The video showed a commemorative brick with the date June 14, 2020 on it, se
[quote]SirWinston simps for Putin because he hates Jews, and also because he's playing a character and loves to troll. Lima also hates Jews, but his primary motivation is that he is a Russian Orthodox Church member who believes that religious diversity is terrible. So, he wants Russia to rule Ukrai

In terms of asphyxiates, nitrogen is less of a danger than CO2 and Ar. Nitrogen has a molecular weight of 28. Oxygen 32 so O2 will naturally sink below N2. Ar is 39 and CO2 is 44. They will sit the lowest. And FWIW water vapor is 18 and lighter than N2. It’s why we have clouds.


In the morning you open your house door to your garage and enter a nitrogen rich environment. Good times.

I think I'm currently being exposed to about 790,000 parts per million of nitrogen. Should I be worried?

Nitrogen not kept highly compressed and/or extremely cold (e.g. loose

Germany didn't execute blitzkrieg by walking infantry; they used armor, mechanized infantry, and air superiority to achieve rapid advances. Russia has demonstrated repeatedly in this war that they can't execute mechanized warfare...they aren't going to magically start now.

Very much
FWIW, the NOLA forecast is for the temperature to get above 32 around 8:30 a.m., and mostly sunny, with the temperature getting up to 41 by noon. Based on what I saw today--surprised how much / how quickly things melted--I think by tomorrow afternoon most NOLA streets will be pretty passable.


The Russians have confirmed the death of the general and there is even video of the explosion. So I don't see why you are taking issue with the Kyiv Independent's reporting int this particular case.

Maybe, probably even. But a U.K. tabloid of all sources published some interesting po


The feds have $7,500 to offer, while Colorado adds another $5,000 to the pot to bring costs down.
So I guess we’re all paying for it with our taxes.

Ding ding ding ding!

From the sound of things, your federal tax dollars are kicking in $7500 and Colorado taxpayers' s
Her education is in professional clowning--you cannot make this up!

Source: LinkedIn

More info in case you're curious:
O-T Lounge
For more serious news without the liberal bias of most of the U.K. (and U.S. and ...) media, try The Telegraph:
Just remember, in the U.S., to get the U.K. news, you have to toggle the switch near the top right of the
From that tweet:

Overnight, Ukrainian drones targeted an oil refinery in the Russian city of Kaluga. The Kaluganaftoprodukt refinery, has a nominal oil refining capacity of 1.2 million tons per year, which is approximately 24,000 barrels per day.
In this day and age, a 24k BPD refine

re: Clark Creek advice

Posted by NOLATiger163 on 11/24/24 at 11:06 pm
It's been several years since I did Clark Creek, but I've done it two or three times with Cub Scout packs where the kids ranged from about 6 to 12 years old. There were easier and more rugged trails. There is no way I'd want to take a rugged trail with a two-year-old. On the easier trails, as
The dog seems like a secondary issue. He could always have the dog over for initially-short, progressively-longer visits while they try to work it out, and see how slowly incorporating the dog into the household works (or doesn't). He could also make it very clear, and get her explicit agreement, th