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Location:Valley Park
Biography:lurker since 2015
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Registered on:8/11/2018
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So I just moved onto Little Rock and don’t really know what to expect for tornado season lived in south Louisiana most of my life and did college in North Louisiana. Just really don’t know what to expect that’s different from Louisiana any input?
See about getting a tornado shelter if

I'm convinced that most of the fans of the Association are more interested in the soap opera side of the NBA (who's dissing whom, who knocked up which instathot, trade rumors, beefs of the week, etc) than they are of the game itself.

I mean the Luka trade reaction pretty much proved

It was not this bad 20 and 30 years ago. Hell, it wasn’t this bad 10 years ago.

We didn't know how good we had it with those Lebron vs Warriors finals. Say what you want about those coaches and players but that kind of felt like the last time we got to see serious competitors and som

They get to learn to code now.
Elon and friend have Indians and AI for that.
A few weeks ago Elon retweeted this Milton Friedman video where he said he would abolish the Department of the Interior and sell off the land. The plan is probably to shut down federal national park service, and a) sell off the land directly or b) transition it to state parks, who then preserve it,
Indiana Jones actually has a lot of brutal villain deaths


Where the hell is the father in all of this? She has pictures of school mass murderers on the walls in her room and he isn’t concerned????
Parents always don’t give a shite and then act surprised when their kid shoots up a school even though they had the most obvious warning signs ever
Don’t get why so many dislike Mainieri unless it’s just due to his teams choking. He was a very solid coach and good ambassador for the university and I don’t have a problem with him working again if he wants to and feels he can
It’s just different in the 215. People are crazy about the eagles up there!

yall MFers keep talking about fight club
Yeah, people think they are so cool talking about “economics”. TBob Hebert does it all the time in the air. Yall ain’t slick

Glacier freeze Gatorade
This is the best one. I laughed when I first heard it.
Some genius politician will come up with an NIL tax soon enough.

re: Finebaum

Posted by red sox fan 13 on 2/13/25 at 8:50 pm
Finebaum was must listen circa 12 years ago when the show was at its zenith. I haven’t watched or listened in about a decade but around the time it moved to the SEC Network it was starting to become overproduced and a shell of what it was. Most of those unhinged callers that made the show great died

There should be a law that Southern Law graduates should not be allowed to be judges. It’s bad enough that we've got that embarrassment of a f*cking law school in our state, they shouldn’t compound that embarrassment by allowing them to be f*cking judges.
What about governors :lol:
The bingo cards people make for this thing are fricking hilarious. Can’t wait

Considering she’s leading the task force looking at the declassified documents, I’d say odds are very good she’s already seen some of those documents.
Do we really need a task force for this? Just post pdfs of all the files and let the public see it. Saves time and money and they can a

We just need another book series that lets women feel empowered about being horn dogs to be made into movies again
Believe me there’s PLENTY of material there

Dan frickin' Marino is behind noodle arm Brees?
Is Brees not pretty much Marino with a ring? Doesn’t seem crazy to me.
Sad what happened to downtown. It was a nice little rejuvenated area toward the end of Kip Holden’s term and that’s all just gone now. Creating and maintaining a safe downtown would do a lot of good things for Baton Rouge but I guess we can’t have that.