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re: .

Posted by pinkrabbit on 7/29/18 at 11:29 pm
[quote]3) end the quotas on H1B and H2A visas and add to the criteria that such visa holders must have health insurance. These Visas should be unlimited and should be enforced [/quote] This is the one I can't get behind. You're suggesting we massively increase temporary workers? We already br...

re: Just how big are Trumps balls?

Posted by pinkrabbit on 7/29/18 at 11:19 pm
[quote]Trump would so kick your arse.[/quote] Remember when CNN threatened to doxx a kid for making the gif that superimposed the CNN logo on Vince's face (and bragged about it?) And people pretend they're anything resembling a legitimate news source. [quote]CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeS...
[quote]So who are you?[/quote] Ad hominem? 2 for 2, sport....
I mean... [quote]8 Reasons Why Rome Fell -Invasions by Barbarian tribes -Economic troubles and overreliance on slave labor -The rise of the Eastern Empire -Overexpansion and military overspending -Government corruption and political instability -The arrival of the Huns and the migration ...
[quote]How do you feel about this fact? 1) Concerned that your family will have to fight in a civil war as a result but confident the right side will win 2) Represents the downfall of America 3) Not a fact, its a lies created by soyboy hipsters 4) Joyful, happy to embrace more diversity 5)...
[quote]Are 100% of economist politically biased? Common sense leads me to believe the answer is no.[/quote] Arguing from authority? 100% of scientific experts claimed the Sun revolved around the Earth....