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Favorite team: | South Carolina ![]() |
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Registered on: | 6/29/2018 |
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Recent Posts
re: A High Schooler Graduated with a 3.4 GPA. He Couldn’t Even Read.
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/14/25 at 5:04 pm
But I have 20 years of experience, 2 graduate degrees and am certified to teach every high school science from 7th life to physics. I also keep
Let me clap for you.
You clearly stated that you knew passing students that didn't deserve it, due to not learning, wasn't right yet Y
re: A High Schooler Graduated with a 3.4 GPA. He Couldn’t Even Read.
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/13/25 at 2:52 pm
But when our bosses tell us verbatim that no students should ever fail, regardless of ability or work ethic, this is what you get.
So morals nor caring about teaching children and they learning matters as long as you get a paycheck huh
re: Advice on breaking the news to your kid about Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, etc?
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/13/25 at 2:16 pm
My parents never said anything about Santa but one day I went outside to see what my Dad had killed hunting. He was skinning a rabit and I said what did you get and he responded " The Easter Bunny"
re: Lee Zeldin: Canceled a $50M Contract "Climate Justice Travels Through a Free Palestine"
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/13/25 at 2:06 pm
WTF is “climate justice”?
And where is this country called Palastine?
re: Dem congresswoman calls Trump administration white supremacists; demands reparations
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/13/25 at 2:04 pm
Reparations ain't fixing that culture.
re: Dem congresswoman calls Trump administration white supremacists; demands reparations
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/13/25 at 1:56 pm
Wonder if those descendents of black slaves go after the descendents of the black slave owners, which numbered in the thousands, for their " reparations ".
re: A High Schooler Graduated with a 3.4 GPA. He Couldn’t Even Read.
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/13/25 at 1:52 pm
Where is the students responsibility in his learning. A lawsuit because you never raised your hand and said you didn't understand is BS.
re: Dem congresswoman calls Trump administration white supremacists; demands reparations
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/13/25 at 1:46 pm
Bitch on the right looks like RuPaul out of drag
re: USS Harry S. Truman hits merchant vessel in Mediterranean Sea
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/13/25 at 1:36 pm
Usually there are escort destroyers, supply ships, maybe even cruisers, this is a major fail. Captain and the accompanying admiral should be shown the door.
The better question isn't " how did it happen " but how did a Carrier group allow ANY ship to get that close to our Carrier
re: 2.7Trillion found in illegal medicare and medicaid paid to overseas recipients
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/13/25 at 1:28 pm
You're the one posting grandiose self celebration
That's where you're wrong. I think it's sad that you have no friends nor any type of human socializing and have to seek your need for attention on here.
Glad to see you haven't totally gone off the edge with all the recent Tran
re: USS Harry S. Truman hits merchant vessel in Mediterranean Sea
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/13/25 at 1:24 pm
As former active duty Navy let me tell y'all a secret. We have been hitting shite and running aground for years. Hell you can google my ship USS Port Royal CG-73 and see where it ran aground years after I was out.
re: 2.7Trillion found in illegal medicare and medicaid paid to overseas recipients
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/13/25 at 1:20 pm
Good try narcissist.
Curious as to why your side wasn't discussing this in the media then?
it's the report posted earlier int his thread, the report is almost a year old ?
"DOGE" didn't find anything.
Curious as to why your side wasn't discussing this in the media then?
re: 2.7Trillion found in illegal medicare and medicaid paid to overseas recipients
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/13/25 at 1:18 pm
I just have to get this off my chest… SFP is one dumb bitch
He's a narcissist and has a personality disorder.
Every single time that I've confronted him on this he quickly heads to another thread. He knows , deep inside, that we are correct. This is why he doesn't care if i
re: Worcester, MA voted to become a “Sanctuary City for Transgenders & Gender Diverse People"
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/12/25 at 9:16 am
Pedohank/SFP will be running for mayor.
re: This halftime show was signed before the country went non-woke
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/10/25 at 12:07 pm
What does violent crime have to do with companies choosing to invest money in advertising to women and minorities?
You act like you know so much about the races and facts I figured I would get your take on the criminal fact
re: This halftime show was signed before the country went non-woke
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/10/25 at 11:55 am
So explain to me why 13% of a population commits over 50% of violent crimes in America
re: Adam Carolla interviewing Newsome 12 years ago about racism
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/10/25 at 11:51 am
They only have speaking points and never in substance to support their lies
re: This halftime show was signed before the country went non-woke
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/10/25 at 11:47 am
And no, buying a $300 pair off Nike shoes is not the reason they don't own homes.
I'm sure spending $5,000 on tire rims for a car valued at $500 doesn't help.
re: Catholic Org That Funds Pro-Abortion Groups Lays Off 50% of Staff After Losing USAID Funds
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/10/25 at 11:31 am
Satanic group that uses the name Catholic Org That Funds Pro-Abortion Groups Lays Off 50% of Staff After Losing USAID Funds
re: About the half time show and modern rap music
Posted by SOSFAN on 2/10/25 at 6:38 am
I feel for everyone having to grow up listening to rap. Your never know what real music is