Favorite team:Mercer
Location:West of the Pecos
Number of Posts:525
Registered on:6/26/2018
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[quote]Nah. Mayor-Pres. St. George still votes against his sorry arse[/quote] I certainly agree with that. I was coming from the angle that when SWB's voting base finds out that she let ole Whitey take $48M of "they" money, they perhaps will vote different. :cheers:...
[quote]She is definitely emotional and taking this personally. And she is turning this into a thinly veiled campaign event talking about the need for experience and continuity. And she can’t even bring herself to be gracious and congratulate the citizens of St George in having their wishes grante...
1987 or so, Pope John Paul II made a trip to Phoenix, well, Tempe, and said a mass in Sun Devil Stadium. Everyone saw the irony and had fun with it. Seems like they had to cover up the mascot though......
I had her served with divorce papers one month shy of 20 year anniversary. Don’t necessarily suggest it for everyone, but it worked out fine for me…...
[quote]accedemic[/quote] You didn't go to Michigan did you?...
[link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/o-t-lounge/kiran-broome-announces-next-brpd-chief/111471371/)]Kiran: Broome announces next chief[/link]...
Ironically, I think he got the job partially because he is White. He's White and qualified. Broome is running for re-election and she had to get rid of MP because he was too much baggage for her with the White voters. So she did. Now she has a White guy running the operation. And he is cert...
Sure. Just make him a "strong arse offer"... :pimp:...
Detroit has never played in the Super Bowl, much less won it....
Photography, golf, and reading....
[quote]I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; [b][i]maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint[/i][/b];[/quote] [link=(https://www.brla.gov/DocumentCenter/View/9873/General-Order-107-Code-of-Ethics-Oath-of-Office-)]BRPD Code o...
[img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.8bba481fe112c52c586a91ca8e50ae5c?rik=wMTWctuv6316tw&riu=http%3a%2f%2fmedia.aintitcool.com%2fmedia%2fuploads%2f2016%2fherc%2fjudy_robinson_medium.jpg&ehk=XSNZ7rS2%2fvxO6oRjMpYPm6dr3C1fEMQ%2fHff7PUD7UWw%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] Judy Robinson/Lost in Space :...
[quote]Uglee Jock (Jerry Lousteau) was on WIBR[/quote] I worked at Fun Fair Park in the mid/late 70's and he broadcast live there on Friday Night Date Nights. :dude: :pimp:...
Mowed yards from I guess the 5th grade to around sophomore year. Early to mid 70's. $25/week maybe? I was rich, I know that. First W-2 job was Fun Fair Park. Still have that first paycheck stub....
[quote]Also, always hear there was a "head shop" on the second floor of a clothing store on West Chimes. They sold pipes, bongs, etc. You had to know the password to get in. Can't remember the name of the store though.[/quote] The General Store. Smokey Bourgeois owned it. Hippie clothes and a...