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I don't know when the transfer date is, I'd imagine only CapOne and Etrade know that. Also, I found a better place to go to, M1 Finance. Auto investing, and fractional investing. Best of all, its all free....
You can read this thread here, https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/7vgb2c/capital_one_investing_fallout_which_brokerage_to/ It mentions that you can transfer an account to another brokerage, but that costs money (usually something like $75). It all depends if the place you are leaving (and...
Welp, they are not [quote]Starting on July 13, there will be some changes to Capital One Investing's offerings. PortfolioBuilder® will no longer be available after July 13, 2018, and the ShareBuilder® Investment Plan will not be available after July 17, 2018. These are the last days, respectively, ...
I was with Sharebuilder before it was even with ING (when it was its own company as Sharebuilder). I opened my account way back in Nov/Dec 2001. I am still under the $12/mo advantage plan with 12 free trades and $1 each thereafter. I am [i]really[/i] hoping that they keep me under this plan....