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Registered on:3/11/2018
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How did the lower unit get cracked? I’d first make sure it would be covered before I went about filing claim. ...
[quote]Can you go into more detail around brokerage accounts and your approach. What makes you say may be too late? An assumption of age?[/quote] It was under the assumption OP is early 50’s due to being disgruntled with the fact he has to wait until he is 59.5 before he can access retirement. ...
I was just answering the original question. Yes I agree though best course of action would be to turn over to the insurance and let them walk them through it. ...
[quote]Ha I mean I know why the lawyers ask for the limits, but why do they need to be provided?[/quote] There are no laws saying you have to give it to them. They will likely just threaten suit over it which if they do they would just get the limits through discovery. ...
[quote]Why the hell should anyone be required to submit their coverage limits?[/quote] Because the personal injury attorneys (and their freeloading clients) need to decide how hurt they are going to be. They pass this information along to their buddies at the clinic and bam, every diagnosis i...
I believe in most cases it’s how the names read on the title. If it’s listed as you AND your wife you probably both need to sign it. If it listed as you OR your wife it’s just one of you needs to sign it ...
[quote](definitely don't include 529s)[/quote] Why not? Is the money not yours ? If your kid decided to not go to college you can still use that money minus a small fee and tax on the gains (which you would pay on the gains whether it was 529 or not). ...
Brokerage account is the answer. It may be too late for you now. Keep working or pay the fees ...
Grew up in upper middle class family. Dad did well for himself as a salesman making good money. He was ultra frugal almost to a fault. He was know man for being cheap but we always lived in the best neighborhood in town in beautiful homes. He never shared much with me or my siblings about finances. ...

re: Manning passing academy

Posted by HarveyBanger on 6/29/24 at 12:49 pm
[quote]Manning passing academy[/quote] Grew up in Thibodaux. Was in high school riding with a buddy and damn near ran over a pedestrian in the La Casa parking lot. That pedestrian was what appeared to be a very inebriated former Vikings coach Mike Tice. ...
[quote]Maybe Pearl Harbor. If japan fallows up with a second attack we’re in deep shite and not in a position to help in Europe[/quote] Don’t you think the Japs would have done this if they had the ability? They blew their load with Pearl Harbor for a knockout sucker punch and it wasn’t enough. Af...
Scoop of some pre workout at 5:15 am and I am ready to go. I still try to get at least 7 hours of sleep at night though. Any less than that and I am groggy next day. ...
Left Louisiana 6 years ago at 26 years old. Homesick for the first 6 months after I left. Ended up getting married here and now have a kid and another on the way. Louisiana will always be home but it’s hard to see a situation where we end up back in Louisiana. Louisiana struggles in so many way...

re: 401K Loan vs. Withdrawal

Posted by HarveyBanger on 6/3/24 at 5:38 pm
[quote]How much are you contributing to your 401K? Can you pause your contribution freeing up income to pay down debt then resume the contributions.[/quote] Came to say this. Don’t take 401k withdrawal or loan Cut back on your contributions to get the company max only. Open a new credit card w...
I’ll say it. If he had hit a white guy and killed him there would be no charges ...
Based juiced no outs and you walk away with only one more run. Double play is a killer ...

re: This ump is awesome

Posted by HarveyBanger on 6/2/24 at 6:25 pm
Feels awfully like LSU is getting those outside calls and UNC is not ...
Meet me at Sonic! Geaux Tigers ...

re: Travinski sucks

Posted by HarveyBanger on 6/1/24 at 6:30 pm
Very overrated ...