Favorite team:New Orleans Saints 
Number of Posts:1212
Registered on:2/6/2018
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What is your social credit score tho?...

re: Cheetoh girl Resigns

Posted by Buzz Lightbeer on 7/23/24 at 9:51 am
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. ...
[quote]FWIW: “Drunken Mardi Gras Girl” from that early 2000’s video that got passed around[/quote] Link?...
[quote]Everybody on that stage during the RNC is eyeballing a cabinet position[/quote] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/sN7jUejLDQ5emf2cEF/200.webp?cid=6c09b9520ta0k0071fgs8fzrx5zqagg5aup9yo34cw9icfkk&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=200.webp&ct=g[/img]...

re: Latoya’s Boyfriend Indicted

Posted by Buzz Lightbeer on 7/19/24 at 1:49 pm
Latoya being bullied again....
[quote]Southwest Airlines IS NOT affected. One of the very few![/quote] Aren’t they still using 1991 tech?...
[quote]What would be the best tactic if stuck in an airport? A: Book hotel room ASAP and get out of airport. Work on rebooking for another day. B: Hop in line and hope for the best C: Find a corner to sit in and feverishly work the apps D: Get a rental car and start driving[/quote] E. Sa...
I need a photoshop of Trump and Vance’s faces onto Nash and Hall: [img]https://imageservice.disco.peacocktv.com/uuid/0db9a090-0cf9-39c8-971d-512c56bd0318/LAND_16_9?language=eng&territory=US&proposition=NBCUOTT&version=34208090-1138-3e0d-bf47-edcd8a5c5f40[/img]...
[quote]my wife and sex 2-3 times a week 3 out of 4 weeks a month[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/z1NToU5JoJsAAAAM/i-dont-believe-you-whatever.gif[/img]...
The regulars were all bad, Drew Nickens was god awful. Shane as Trump is absolutely perfect. ...
[quote]Amber Rose[/quote] The stripper?...
[quote]cameras were a much more cost efficient and safer than paying cops to patrol the bridge. You just wanting to speed isn't a good excuse. Speed cameras are used around the world and they work great. Instead we insist on wasting tax payers money on highway patrol.[/quote] [img]https://64.med...
[quote]Bicentennial Sprit of America Chevrolet Impala[/quote] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/qlp0xLLznZc/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] :pimp:...