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Registered on:1/29/2018
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I don’t associate with leftists. I don’t even want to coexist with them anymore....
I was recently trying to cite an article inred recently about the number of homosexuals sexually abusing their adopted children and it appears to be scrubbed....

re: Oswald was 24

Posted by LSUAngelHere1 on 7/25/24 at 12:31 am
They’re easier to manipulate when the Feds need a patsy....
[quote]No, you are incorrect. An independent woman doesn't need to be taken care of, by a husband or the government. Yes, my husband supports the household, but I enjoy working. An independent woman thinks for herself, doesn't watch The View, and get all her news from talk shows. Dependent women ar...
We love Trump and all alpha male patriots!...
This board forgets how much of a problem low t is in males & how many males are destroying this country as well. This white female has actively done more for the right than most any man on this board ...
[quote]Because indoctrinated white women DO vote Dem[/quote] FIFY...
Every white woman in my family & circle of friends is MAGA af. Marxists of all sexes & races are the problem....

re: Yellowstone eruption on deck?

Posted by LSUAngelHere1 on 7/23/24 at 5:50 pm
Glad I’m built with more get up and go…....
I’m a female and that has never been a subject mentioned during politics with other females besides the internet bots....
[quote]The problem with the “THEY TRIED” is that there is no “they.” There’s just a local loner kid who took his father’s gun. Exactly who can Trump say “they” is? If he just pops off and says Hillary or Kamala tried to assassinate him, he comes off as a loon. This isn’t the effective political str...
[quote]The professional sniper missed by a couple millimeters from blowing off Trump’s head on live television. And, the only reason he didn’t is because Trump moved his head at the last second.[/quote] FIFY...
As I said day 1. They never counted on that boy to hit Trump. He was only their patsy....
You ain’t gonna do shite you angry black bitch....
[quote]They haven’t denied more than 1 shooter. It’s crazy what the sheep have assumed as basic truth.[/quote] Day one I was called a loon for saying he was the patsy and was never expected to make that shot....
[quote]So you are telling me they got their pick of the best of the best and the guy couldn't manage to even hit Trump after not getting a kill shot the first time?[/quote] I have no clue who they picked, nor how many, but everyone with a lick of sense knows the boy was never expected to make the k...

re: They aren’t done with Trump

Posted by LSUAngelHere1 on 7/18/24 at 12:53 am
[quote] one kid missing his shot won’t change their determination to end DJT[/quote] They knew the kid couldn’t make the kill shot bc he was a patsy...