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Registered on:1/18/2018
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Screwed it up TOO?? You idiots never cease to amaze me. Top 10 wins, top 25 wins, 10 win seasons ……. Only the best in the 100+ year history of the school …. But keep sounding like a ‘tard....
The continued mantra that college baseball > college basketball is … well … sigh…. Doesn’t deserve a response. Tell me you’re white without telling me you’re white. As insufferable as college hockey guy who lives in the Upper Peninsula. College baseball = minor college sport College basketball ...
Stock? Stock for what? Major’s? Hahahahahaha What is the list on tiger pitchers in majors right now? Last 10 -20 years? Enjoy your time as a kid, young man. You’ve been blessed to make it this far, but expecting even more lightning strikes? Nah, bruh. ...
Basketball school right? ….. amazing the minds of the average LP fan when proclaiming “baseball first”….. sigh. There are minor collegiate sports, and there are major collegiate sports…. ...
Yep …. Will Wade 1st year talent …… sure miss those days....

re: Coaches Show Comment by JJ.

Posted by John cocktoasten on 4/13/24 at 7:27 pm
You mean our high end community and Fortune 500 laden state are behind on monetary resources??? Amazing. Why shouldn’t Louisiana be competing at the highest level in NIL with every other team in the country? We should be dammit… Oh wait....
One of the few players with an alpha mentality… Will be needed next year. Look forward to him taking and making clutch shots when needed....
Can he 10x over replace the minutes of cook and Carlos? Yep. Before he gets off the bus. Upgrade. ...
Been out of town and haven’t watched. Packed? Half full? ...
Have been anti-Jimbo from the 1st talks of him coming … disastrous. Getting rid of Les for someone equally, if not more, goofy?? Hell naw. Terrible. Terrible. Crab legs made that dude and has been goofy before, during, and since. ...
Great .. an unathletic guard … ...
Don’t forget that our noses were in the air regarding Kelvin Sampson too …… I mean, who would want that cheater?? ….. I’m so glad LSU hires these basketball coaches for their strait laced ness ……. Meanwhile, pearl, wade, and Sampson coaching their a$$e$ off with fans bases that are excited for ho...
Saban “what if” jock sniffers decades after he’s gone from here = light years MORE insufferable ……. SOOOOO glad it’s over. ...
…… and yet he’s dancing WW was a MASTER at SOS and pays very close attention to scheduling … proven at LSU ...
He’s like Angry Black from Howard Stern …… Clark’s act is as contrived and fake as Skip Bayless’ ……. And just as tired. ...
I turned on Dale. He was the classless one. Pathetic display and an embarrassment that day from him. …… beginning of the end, or the end that already started…. ...