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I wonder if Biden detail had that many women in it?...
[quote]We don't want any more AR-15 assassinations." Who the frick talks like that in real life? These people make me want to puke...[/quote] Too stupid to understand that if he had been using pow pows 30-06 Trumps thoughts would have Probly been all over the stage. ...
[quote]Dude have you heard what comes out of her mouth? lol[/quote] Biden “campaigned” from his basement and got more votes than any president in history. They are emboldened by the public’s tolerance of their obscene tampering. What makes you think they won’t step it up?...
In his list of political assassinations????...
He doesn’t give a shite about our country, he’s working hard at laundering money a making his family rich. Corrupt man, corrupt family, corrupt party. ...

re: What happened to Minnesota?

Posted by Old Character on 7/19/24 at 4:46 pm
One the most insane communist little beta cuck I ever met was from Minnesota. ...

re: Why do men vote democrat?

Posted by Old Character on 7/19/24 at 1:20 pm
Union. Black. Gay. Soy. Beta. Impaired. It could be any number of reasons....
Maybe they’ll do that then Kamala can be the first black woman pres for three months. Get that shite out the way. ...
Oh, I firmly believe the GOP is gonna do some stupid shite before the election. One of these retards is gonna pull some shite with prayer in school or further limit abortions. It never fails. We could be in excellent position and the church lady will jump outta the back pew with some religious insa...

re: Shooter ???

Posted by Old Character on 7/16/24 at 1:59 pm
[quote]Nobody is donating money to a political organization without knowing who that organization supports. That is literally the entire point of a political donation.[/quote] The kid was a socially awkward weirdo. Like I said in another thread, it doesn’t matter what he was registered as. One l...
This is the problem with “journalism” she tries to shut down a conversation and steer it in her direction....

re: Shooter ???

Posted by Old Character on 7/16/24 at 12:44 pm
It could be as simple as registered repub because his dad is repub, liner weirdo, meets blue haired “female” weirdo in college that hates Trump and gives BJs, wishes Trump dead and this dude says….ill do it…… Really ...

re: Shooter ???

Posted by Old Character on 7/16/24 at 12:39 pm
If they say there’s no more information then I’m full in on the government being involved...

re: Shooter ???

Posted by Old Character on 7/16/24 at 12:39 pm
[quote]So, did he register as republican to vote in a primary? If he gave money to act blue, I am pretty sure he had to be left leaning?[/quote] Sounds like he was a republican in some sense, or maybe because his parents are republican? Idk, but so far it sounds he was a weirdo. You can bet the...

re: Shooter ???

Posted by Old Character on 7/16/24 at 12:36 pm
[quote]Take bold political stands that further outcast them.[/quote] Uh……yes. ...

re: Shooter ???

Posted by Old Character on 7/16/24 at 12:09 pm
[quote]According to a classmate, the shooter was the only person standing on the conservative side.[/quote] There’s your clue. ...
I liked RFK. Not as much today. ...