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Registered on:11/16/2017
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[quote]The dems are going to choose Mark Kelly of AZ as vp running mate and flip it to theirs[/quote] He doesn’t win the senate race he won without the shenanigans in Maricopa county baw. ...
[quote]I want to believe this, but I would like to see proof[/quote] That info big tech collects every time you use a cellphone, that they sell. That’s the proof. It’s not rocket science. Our information is sold to whoever will pay for it....
Israel actually uses the money we give them for defense. Ukraine steals, launders, and kicks back the money....
[quote]It would not be the worst thing for the buyer if more went on the market and sat. Home prices are way too high right now[/quote] Artificially inflated prices along with high interest rates. The bubble will burst. It’s a matter of time...

re: Lyin' Kamala Harris

Posted by TigerAttorney on 7/24/24 at 5:22 pm
The narrative that he needs to be “nice” to win the suburban women and independents is a fallacy. Spouted by the left and never trumpers. Economy, inflation, border, crime. People could care less what he says. It’s time we go back...
[quote]just throw in the towel and try to survive the aftermath[/quote] When that national debt becomes real debt, and half the country, if not more, is unemployed overnight. Que the worldwide digital currency. That’s been the plan all along. The treasury fails, everyone in this country is ...
[quote]three people familiar with the matter said.[/quote] Aka made up bullshite lol...
[quote]Trump needs to have things ready in seven states plain and simple Poll watchers, cameras, lawyers and all[/quote] Priority number one of the campaign. They can’t steal with mail in votes to the magnitude they did in 2020. And dominion can only do a couple of points without being noticed. ...
Most accurate post I’ve read in a while. Bravo...
When the fix is in and gets exposed, they have to make it look as “normal” of a mess up as possible. It still blows my mind people aren’t 100% wise to how our government works yet. It’s all smoke and mirrors....
So when are the new Covid lockdowns coming? So they can steal it. Because I know more people being “hospitalized” because of a virus than I knew in 2020. They let something loose for sure. ...
[quote]I don't think either of those really prove he was communicating with foreign agents[/quote] Buddy, he was communicating with the dark sections of our own intelligence agencies. The enemy is within....
Considering the communist have had full reign with Potatus the past 4 years, it would be more of the same tbh. It can’t get worse, and we are hanging off the cliff as it is....
[quote]Trump is going to have to stay calm[/quote] Trump is always calm. It’s the media that takes what he says out of context and blasts propaganda to make him look unhinged. The man speaks the Truth. Some just don’t like hearing it....
The globalist communist clandestine powers in DC are telling Biden how to run the world....
The polar opposite of what the government and media report, is the Truth. CIA propaganda: Trump Manchurian candidate for Russian collusion to steal election. Trump gets indicted for classified documents he illegally possessed. Trump insights an insurrection when he gave an order to rush the ...
You find me a true undecided voter right now and I’ll show you a liar. The sides are chosen already. DJT gets anything close to his 2020 numbers it’s a landslide. Too many people watching to pull the COVID election crap again on that massive of a scale....
[quote]Maybe Beau wasn't, but his disgusting slut crack whore wife was[/quote] Or how about how hunter is banging his dead brothers widow. lol. Maybe that’s the incest he was talking about in the abortion segment when he said siblings ...
Considering Jayden Daniels had an 80 yard run clocked at 21.8mph last year. I’m calling bullshite. No doubt he can prob roll, but he ain’t JD5 rolling at that size....