Favorite team:LSU 
Location:somewhere in Louisiana it's tricky
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Registered on:1/14/2007
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[quote]SEC fans can only hope[/quote] Over half of the team failed drug tests when Napier got there. And not for just weed. Everybody in Florida's administration know about this. Mullen had let the whole program run amuck. Fans are quick to shite on the man without knowing all the facts but he has...
[quote]Looks like Napier will be gone after this season.[/quote] I know for a FACT that Napier has at least 5 years. ...
Some of you are so naive. This kid did not act alone. The AR 15 is the boogeyman gun of choice to get the 2nd Amendment taken out of the Constitution. ...
[quote]JB will expire within 48 hours.[/quote] He’s been dead since the failed assassination attempt. Their backup plan if the Trump assassination attempt failed was to get rid of Joe. His family was not wanting him to get out of the race but the Deep State wasn’t having that. ...
[quote]those first 2 shots of 2nd volley were not suppressed shots.[/quote] Exactly the point. And EVERY SINGLE RIFLE the SS uses as counter weapons for Snipers is suppressed. How do people not comprehend this? There are so many people on this board that don’t understand firearms. ...
[quote]but couldn't the shots be: Shooter 1: Crooks Shooter 2: USSS return sniper A Shooter 3: USSS return sniper B[/quote] No. The shot sequence and the sound of each make it impossible for it to be the case. From where the video was taken, the sound of the first three shots taken were a diffe...
This is pretty compelling evidence. Also, from the video’s used it makes the case that the first 3 shots were fired from almost ground level and probably from inside the building. Sorry if Germans. [link=(https://x.com/joshwalkos/status/1814297043130548660?s=46&t=xjsPQ4dYtyQ11gIcE92oig)]LINK[/li...

re: Du is just full of npcs

Posted by Run DMC on 7/22/24 at 8:58 am
For a minute I thought you were talking about Ducks Unlimited when you said DU, since they get their funding from prominent Dems. ...
Sound forensics have proven with almost 100% accuracy that the first 3 shots came from inside the building. ...
[quote]Manson a Fed.[/quote] All one has to do is trace the reformatories and prisons he entered, several of the guards, and Jolly West. They were all involved later. Tom O’Neill did a great interview on Joe Rogan’s podcast about it all in 2020. ...
On July 12th, the day before the assassination attempt. Vanguard (Soros) and BlackRock are among the largest holders in Austin Private Wealth LLC. BlackRock is among Austin Private Wealth LLC's "largest new holdings.” 100% this was a Deep State hit. [link=(https://x.com/joshwalkos/status/1813...
[quote]What kind of AR?[/quote] .556 was what was reported ...
[quote]It’s either an inside job or they’re inept Take your pick[/quote] Inside job. Way too many “coincidences” to believe otherwise. ...
[quote]I’m wondering why there wasn’t a sniper team stationed there in the first place?[/quote] You don’t have to think that hard. Building top not secure, Secret Service Sniper was on target for 3 minutes, not given the go ahead to engage the target by SS brass until after the shots were fired, ...
I really don’t even know what to say about this. Why are they letting the guy even get a round off before putting one between his eyes? This is either gross incompetence by the SS or a 3 letter agency setup. [link=(https://www.facebook.com/share/r/eNQxmgApdE88yfhq/?mibextid=0VwfS7)]LINK[/link] ...

re: All Time High and Low as a Tiger Fan

Posted by Run DMC on 7/11/24 at 10:38 pm
All Time High: 2003 National Championship with 2019 a very very close 2nd All Time Low: 2007 Double OT loss to Arkansas...
[quote]I know he coaches but had no idea he quit.[/quote] Made a post on FB of the last car being loaded up in somebody’s trailer about a month ago or so. ...
[quote]I can see Hudson O’Neal going back to SSI.[/quote] Todd fired him out of the blue to put RTJ in that car. I doubt Hud would go back. But stranger things have happened. ...
[quote]Hes no billy moyer jr[/quote] Didn’t he just quit racing to coach basketball? And Sr had a bad wreck 2 days ago...