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Registered on:9/27/2017
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re: Can't call Cackles a DEI hire

Posted by HughsWorkPhone on 7/23/24 at 3:21 pm
[quote]Most people don't know what the code words actually mean. It's cowardly and manipulative to use code words for that reason. You're dodging pushback on behavior that if widely understood by the public would be shunned.[/quote] You unintentionally called out the left. They created this racis...

re: Can't call Cackles a DEI hire

Posted by HughsWorkPhone on 7/23/24 at 2:52 pm
Kamala was given a chance to run for president… she polled < 1%. No one wanted her. She was later chosen to be attached to the Biden ticket because they wanted a black female. Same with the Supreme Court nomination. Democrats are 100% identity politics. So she is being [b]given[/b] the nomina...

re: Can't call Cackles a DEI hire

Posted by HughsWorkPhone on 7/23/24 at 2:44 pm
[quote] A better way to approach it is to not suggest people only got something because of the color of their skin.[/quote] A better way for you to approach it is to stop giving things based on the color of your skin. Then there will be nothing to suggest! It is an official policy, yet we are ...

re: Here come the Race Riots

Posted by HughsWorkPhone on 7/22/24 at 6:20 pm
[quote]Black Americans face fears for their safety in ways many of the rest of us do not.[/quote] [link=(https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/)]False[/link] At least not in the way he meant it ...
[quote]If that kid winged Trump's head with just a red dot at 165 yards[/quote] Probably aimed center mass with a 25 meter zero. ...
[quote]If security was increased, why was this kid able to shoot at Trump?[/quote] They increased their capabilities to being able to stop a 14yr old with a bow and arrow at 50 yards. 20 year old with a gun at 125 yards package would require an additional $2 billion ...
[quote]I know why a democrat would register to vote in a republican primary[/quote] Fixed it for him ...

re: Orwellian

Posted by HughsWorkPhone on 7/10/24 at 11:12 am
[quote]We have government agencies like FBI, Justice, CIA and AG who promote the lies.[/quote] If your funding is guaranteed most departments would probably prefer a fake boss, or boss by honorary title. A president who needs a week of prep to properly verbally communicate 50% of his sentence...
[quote]How do bigfoots propagate their species?[/quote] Drunk baws camping in the woods. There is a reason they are only 5ft tall now How tall was Devin Triche again?...
[quote]Lol, Miles and O were better recruiters than BK. Hope BK can prove me wrong.[/quote] Hard to judge BK on recruiting when he arrived with NIL. LSU could recruit, ND has money. South bend is talentless, cold, and uninteresting. When he was there he had to convince kids to want to play th...
[quote]Still no real proof of illegality with ballot boxes… But God forbid we allow every voter to exercise their franchise,[/quote] Even the ones that didn't know they were voting! Luckily someone else made sure they were able to participate as well in 2020...

re: Aiden Moffet to Texas

Posted by HughsWorkPhone on 7/1/24 at 8:31 am
[quote]People are going to shot on Moffet but not Klinger. Just watch.[/quote] So our fans like moffet not kling. Doesn’t that prove the opposite of your intent ...
[quote]It’s a football game, we’re in the beginning of the 4th quarter tied at 21-21.[/quote] [quote]After a very bad game, he’s now twisted his ankle at the end of the 3rd quarter and is barely functional as a QB. [b]He’s throwing incompletion after incompletion and can barely hand off the ball ...
Let in Somalia let Somalia vote be surprised when they vote for Somalia ...
Consider it an NIL tax now I guess. If Gordon goes down… ...
[quote]You’ve identified what you believe to be a problem without establishing a foundation or at he very least a proposed solution..[/quote] I read a problem, foundation, and a solution According to OP Problem: same sex marriage Foundation: for thousands of years marriage had a very s...
[quote]Dear IRS, due to limitations in the HughsWorkPhone tracking systems, the full extent of taxable income provided to HughsWorkPhone for the fiscal year 2024 is unknown[/quote]...
[quote]Also find out whoever financed them because he/she should at the very least should spend the rest of his/her life in prison.[/quote] Chinas piece of the rare earth metal pie dwarfs the saudis piece of the oil pie. If I was China and wanted to replace the US as the world super power I w...
[quote]Not sure why they never made this into a movie. I know there were talks of a trilogy. With the garbage they have been churning out, this would be a slam dunk.[/quote] It would be made garbage as well. It would star a white woman escaping evil white male raiders, being saved by a b...
[quote]Gateway Pundit LOL[/quote] False Claims LOL...