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Registered on:9/19/2017
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re: Avengers Infinity Wars - **SPOILERS**

Posted by Thrawn on 5/5/18 at 12:17 pm
SPOILERS [quote] Still does not account for sending soldiers to die to protect a damn half robot, but it helps [/quote] This is all that bitch Scarlet Witch's fault. Viz says at...

re: 65% of 8th graders can't read

Posted by Thrawn on 5/1/18 at 2:17 pm
Betcha they know what pronouns their teachers want them to use though. ...
Hey guys, figured y'all might be able to help me. I am a Eng. Student(Should graduate Fall '19, Spring 20 at latest) and I got recently engaged. Haven't set a date yet, but if I had to bet next summer or after I graduate. We'd like to travel for the honey moon, and I'm trying to find a way to ge...
Just for fun: [img]https://i.imgur.com/U7wk7xV.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/V9cb4TL.jpg[/img] [link=(https://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/sec-football/current-tuition-costs-for-sec-schools/)]Tuition Data(Somewhat old)[/link] [link=(https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/projects/coll...
[quote] Stormy confirms the right wing conspiracy that she was "high" on the Anderson interview was a lie[/quote] Ethical concerns from her career aside, you're trusting the woman who took money to be quiet then took more money to breach an NDA at her word? ...

re: So thankful for Barack Hussein

Posted by Thrawn on 4/17/18 at 10:16 am
Michael is definitely the pitcher. ...

re: Worst qb to start for your school

Posted by Thrawn on 4/12/18 at 6:35 pm
inb4 MSU list of QB's...
Lol at thinking other countries have our best interests at heart when they're ranking 'Popular people'. ...
Anybody else not super excited about this? I mean, I'm excited for the swamp draining, but I'd trade losing Ryan for losing McConnell in a heartbeat. The Turtle needs to go. ...
It absolutely astounds me that anyone would pull a gun for the sake of an argument. If you're pulling out a gun without the intent of using it immediately, you're doing it wrong. There is nothing to be gained by pretending you're the shite and not following through. ...
[quote]I’m not blaming agriculture[/quote] [quote]farming led to all of this.[/quote] :wtf: ...
[quote]Is this what passes as news these days?[/quote] I'd love to know how this became a news story. "I bought all of these cupcakes instead of [i]only[/i] six. Maybe if I call Yahoo I can make my 50 dollars back . . . "...
[quote]“Let’s hope this fat b***h doesn’t buy all the cupcakes.” [/quote] :bow: [quote] The 19-year-old had originally planned on buying only six cupcakes, but then decided to purchase the shop’s entire stock of 20 to teach the rude onlooker a lesson. [/quote] Darwinism at work :lol: ...

re: Lost an acquaintance to suicide

Posted by Thrawn on 4/5/18 at 10:30 am
[quote] Look, no offense (I don't know you so I'm not presuming to understand your situation), but I get really tired of seeing this shite from people who haven't ever experienced depression or suicidal thoughts. It's not just that easy. Sometimes you talk to people and they don't care or don't tak...
[quote] It's a pretty stupid qualification to be honest If someone makes 150K a year and pays plenty of taxes but prefers to rent for mobility reasons you think they shouldn't be allowed to vote?[/quote] Alright then. How's about only letting people vote who net paid federal taxes in the prev...
Wonder if he goes out with the highest point per-minute record in the SEC :lol:...
[quote]“millimeter peter.”[/quote] [img]http://i64.tinypic.com/5l9fv4.jpg[/img] Compensating a bit are we? :lol:...
[quote]Some may disagree with this, but what kind of pussy can't control his old lady without calling the cops when it's only hand-to-hand fighting? Damn. [/quote] Him not doing this and recording what happened is the reason she's in jail instead of him being jail for assault. ...