Favorite team:Georgia 
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Registered on:9/1/2017
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re: Hypothetical scenario

Posted by lazlodawg on 7/8/24 at 10:14 am
Vocalizing your fantasies, huh commie?...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by lazlodawg on 7/8/24 at 1:01 am
Take 100k and my boat....
[quote]c. They didn't engage in anything like Project 2025 to populate agencies in this manner. That's a new idea from MAGA.[/quote] You are not a serious person....
[img]https://blacksportsonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Claire-Gransee2.jpg[/img] [img]https://blacksportsonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Claire-Gransee4.jpg[/img] ...
[quote]Folks on our side will have to find more clever ways to practice our First Amendment right to Free Speech with these paintings.[/quote] Fixed it for you....
Hey guys, my father in law is getting into WW 2 combat flight simulators and I wanted to get your ideas for a parts list for a 1080p machine for him. What would it take to play IL-2 Sturmovik at max settings? Edited to add that I live 40 minutes from a microcenter if that helps....

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by lazlodawg on 5/19/24 at 11:56 am
Holy shite, dude. How about a trigger warning next time. Badum bum. Thank you, thank you... try the veal!...
Not strange at all. Inflation makes my 401k and Roth IRA real gains much more modest and less than the real gains I had before when inflation was at 2%. By your logic we should encourage inflationary practices because hur hur numbers get bigger. ...
[quote]quote: to 3.9% a Still ultra low.[/quote] But you know that this number is bullshite. Government jobs and people picking up part time work to stay afloat are a huge portion of the jobs numbers. ...
Corn Ethanol is the Monorail of biofuels. Absolutely idiotic to use, but hey corn subsidies don't grow on trees. Switchgrass would make way more sense, but our politicians don't get money from a weed like they do the National Corn Growers Association....
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMbHeumWQAE__IX?format=jpg&name=small[/img] Posting again because log scales are for pussies....
I fricking love it. No holds barred against you pinko figs. Eta - frick you, too, autocorrect. It's not "fans" that I typed....
[quote]quote: if so, were punishments consummate with similar actions by those that the left agrees with? whataboutism has entered the chat[/quote] This is the entirety of your rebuttal? Answer the questions honestly you fraud. This looks like you have no response. You're more interested...
[quote]Did they break the law? Yes or no?[/quote] Who specifically? Which law(s)? and if so, were punishments consummate with similar actions by those that the left agrees with? If no, is there a problem you see with that? [quote]You know how to prevent all of this? Decrease police power...
[quote]Sure. I don't disagree. They aren't jailed b/c of their political association, race, etc. I apply the same arguments across the board, like Trump, the J6ers, Rudy, etc.[/quote] This is the error in your thinking. I cannot come up with any examples of local selective enforcement on t...
[quote] So like Trump, the J6ers, Rudy, etc? Right?[/quote] Are you now suggesting there are not some black people in jail who did not commit the crimes they are accused of? (If you cannot understand why I wrote this comment, it's because you are stupid). Generally speaking, black males...
[quote]People who commit crimes go to jail, right?[/quote] I rest my case....
[quote]quote: Politicized by one political party? I don't see that. Look at all the black males (Democrats) in jail.[/quote] Who do you expect to be in jail? Asian grandmothers? ...