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[quote]Plot was advanced with finding a dragonrider, That was kind of stupid too. The dragon just 'chose' him. [/quote] The person he chose is essentially his original rider/claimant's HALF-BROTHER. Not stupid at all....

re: Pictures from days gone by....

Posted by BRich on 7/19/24 at 5:00 pm
--FAKE-- [img]https://i.imgur.com/QY39ZBD.jpeg[/img] From about as many "days gone by" as when AI was invented. Note the handle. ...

re: Pictures from days gone by....

Posted by BRich on 7/17/24 at 10:26 am
[img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/20a297085193e67151dc991e73106946/1ca81d1e1710bbdf-65/s640x960/7f0123c08c62659b82420b748926c0df3fe434ee.jpg[/img] This is where Mrs. Bernice G. Carr lived back then, as it appears today. Her parking space for unit 103 is on the left side of the photo (the spaces ar...

re: On my way to new Orleans for vacation

Posted by BRich on 7/16/24 at 8:49 pm
[quote] and the tunnel on i20 was awesome, [/quote] [i]Tunnel on I-20[/i]? ...
FINALLY! Loved this show the 1st season. But was really pissed; one week in July 2021 turned on the TV to watch the next episode, only to find out it was only SEVEN episodes. Now just over two years later, IT IS TIME. ...

re: Pictures from days gone by....

Posted by BRich on 7/10/24 at 2:31 pm
[img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/899f9b2b285cbb585bcdf673b5bbf0b3/56fef47190f1fe80-09/s2048x3072/aa33831bb8f57035a32d0b8d06445d0e0ab903b5.jpg[/img] [b]Superman at the end of the comic book story:[/b] [i]Hey, Lois, um... you got an hour or so before you turn back... and uh, I never been with a....

re: Neighborhood Speed Limit Signs

Posted by BRich on 7/10/24 at 9:58 am
[quote]How easy was this done just a phone call to LA DOT?[/quote][quote]In our neighborhood the DOT puts up signs near "special" kids house that say "Slow Kids at Play"[/quote] Seriously, people-- do you think the LADOTD (or the state DOT in any state for that matter) has ANYTHING to do with th...
Kind of a gradual process: Moved out to go to college, spent summers at home; 4 years (17 yrs old -21 years old) Lived at home at my mom's house for not quite a year attending law school in New Orleans (21-22 yrs old). Didn't like law school, so I went away to grad school at Georgia Tech...

re: TOPS Benefit

Posted by BRich on 7/8/24 at 5:09 pm
[quote]The government used to give money directly to universities. Now, through TOPS they give vouchers to students to give to universities. It is just a shell game.[/quote] Pretty much this. I remember a speaker at a conference some years ago (It may have been Loren Scott) saying that in the...
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/hP3tgkF0/IMG-7636.jpg[/img] Remember that too, but it wasn't random, if you count there are 50 cans, and each can on the front green section also had an outline, name and info of a corresponding STATE. 50 states, 50 cans. [img]https://sodacancollection.weebly.com/uploa...
[quote]So is med school until you get to residency.[/quote] Wrong. Wife (no pics) and I got married when she was in med school. 1st two years [i]are[/i] in an academic setting, but most of the last two years were taken up by [i]rotations[/i], which is learning in clinical settings and not i...

re: The Graduate lives up to the hype

Posted by BRich on 7/1/24 at 4:41 pm
[quote]this movie has always felt to me like the transition from what i (subjectively) view as "old timey" Hollywood movies to the more modern look and feel. i dont know if that makes any sense at all, but it does in my head.[/quote] It makes a lot of sense, and you're not the only one to notice ...
[quote]do not attempt to ramp a crew boat wake[/quote] [quote]If you are fishing Baptiste be mindful of the crew boats coming through there. They can throw a massive wake and they rarely slow down for fishing boats.[/quote] THIS X 1000. Takes me back to 1979-80 when I was around 15 yrs. old. W...
[quote]Didn't realize she was still alive. Had to be pushing 100. [/quote] 88 years old. Met and dealt with her a bit with my work back in the day. Nice, funny, classy lady. Old-time New Orleans (Algiers) through and through, she was able to get things done-- one was making LADOTD fix the I-...
[quote]Is that the one with all the ash trays in it?[/quote] [quote]Been a while since I looked it up but I think so[/quote] More like on it ( stuck to wall exterior) than inside it: [img]https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/nola.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/1/7c/17c81bc0-63e...
[quote]JFK still exists on Paris Avenue right near Holy Cross[/quote] Yeah, but it's not the same JFK as the one back in the day. It's a KIPP charter school that was built after Katrina and was called Lake Area High School until 2022. Fun fact-- David Duke attended (I think even graduated fr...

re: Beach flag question

Posted by BRich on 6/24/24 at 10:14 am
My favorite is when they have the yellow/gold flag for medium hazard and the purple flag for dangerous marine life. It's like they're warning, "LSU fans have taken over the beach": [img]https://scontent-dfw5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.18169-9/527421_484889534872269_847242341_n.jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_...

re: Best beach chairs?

Posted by BRich on 6/20/24 at 2:49 pm
Renting this recliner type is the best: [img]https://www.beme30a.com/cdn/shop/products/BeachSet_09c4754b-4b6c-4c5f-ba42-1e360bcb841a_590x.jpg?v=1647832444[/img] But if you are staying at a beach house or such where there is no rental service, the zero gravity recliners are a great substitute: [...

re: "Jaws" released 49 years ago today

Posted by BRich on 6/20/24 at 10:01 am
[quote]I'll never forget watching this in a theater while a couple rows back there was a very Southen black woman who, everytime the fin would break the surface she'd start shouting "oh shite, Oh shite, OH shite ... Der he is, he comin'!!"[/quote] :rotflmao: :lol: :rotflmao:...
[quote]Huh? They used the correct roll. Roll: quote: Roll has many meanings based on something that is round or cylindrical in shape or moves by revolving or turning, and is used in the idiom on a roll, meaning “experiencing a string of successes.”[/quote] Actually, they used it correctly,...