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Number of Posts:5
Registered on:8/13/2017
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I've paid for a specialist to come in. Results were extremely high and they recommended for a "remediation" of the entire home. Do I throw away my belongings? Do I not? Nobody knows the person in BR that went through this a few years ago? Think she lived in Southdowns or Pollard area. Someone has to...
I am asking if anyone has been through this or knows someone who has. If I have to throw my belongings away due to mold spores then yes, I want compensation. It takes years for this type of mold grow. I haven't lived here long ...
Glad she is better! I can't seem to locate a doctor in Louisiana who knows how to treat mold exposure. Or one who takes it seriously. Their home was in Colorado? My rent home is in Baton Rouge. Heard about a girl who rented a home in BR and got very sick for years only to discover it was from the mo...
Did she own the home or rent? If rented was a mold contract signed and was she able to get reembursed by the the owner for items thrown out? Was weight loss and/or skin rashes a symptom? ...
Anyone ever had health issues due to toxic black mold or stachybotrys in their home? Or do you know anyone who has? If so what were their symptoms, did they have to move out or have to throw away any belongings, was there a lawsuit, did their symptoms improve if they did move from the house, do you ...