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Registered on:7/25/2017
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The figs on the left love this stuff. As stupid as it is, it is a strong message for the idiots on the left that think more restrictions = freedom. Just because they saw it in the campaign ad....
Imma assault someone with a stick from my yard and watch the feds come clean my yard every day!...

re: Bodycam from Crooks roof

Posted by crimsonuatide on 7/23/24 at 6:29 pm
Is that the same guy moving people from behind Trump just before the shots?...
No way to count if you include the jab. Thankfully the USSC limited the damage on forced jabs....
Probably none. The same people are still in control. ...
[quote]I'm not seeing the angle where she would benefit from his passing. She isn't making another run[/quote] She would benefit from the establishment maintaining control, and biden had no shot against Trump. Well, he may have had that one "shot"....
[quote]Seems democratic First Ladies are trash.[/quote] Or men....
Git home from work a few minutes ago. Thankfully I'm off the next two days. I would normally be in bed by now. I'm here with you guys this morning pondering our great nation's future myself. ...
Trump isn't a small target. His head is a relatively good size target for 100 yards with iron sights and time to make a good shot....
Prolly only killed him cause he missed....
It's called "sh1t for brains"....
She needs more botox and filler in those fat arse cheeks and five head. Damn she's looking rough these days haha...
And the soft fig republicans will be back home while garland walks away free...
He must be recovering from that stroke....