Favorite team:Stanford 
Biography:I am not the real Chelsea Clinton
Number of Posts:20
Registered on:6/8/2017
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

I heard a rumor someone inside the White House leaked classified intelligence to the Russians. Has this person been caught yet? ...
If you want to know where and what the Feds are looking at regarding Trump campaign collusion with Russia, I encourage you to read the Dossier IN FULL. [link=(https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3259984-Trump-Intelligence-Allegations.html)]https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3259984-Trum...
Can the President plead the 5th under oath? Or would that look bad? ...
Donald Trump is my President. There, I said it. ...
[quote]What really makes you think someone of that little integrity actually takes an oath seriously? What's gonna make this tiger change it's stripes ... [/quote] In Trump's defense, he has given depositions under oath and while he didn't lie, he is excellent at avoiding the truth under oath. E...
[quote] Good. Hopefully he catches a quick perjury charge and we can be done with this total buffoon.[/quote] Not a chance, even if he does lie under oath and it's proven, he will tap dance around a perjury charge. And even if he does commit perjury, the lightweight GOP likely still will not s...

re: Lyin' Jim or Leaker Jim

Posted by Chelsea Clinton on 6/9/17 at 2:39 pm
[quote]He should stop commenting about it and let it go where it is going to go. [/quote] This x100 Shut up and let the lawyers deal with Comey...
[quote]willing to testify under oath[/quote] And the lies continue from Trump...

re: Embarrassing Moments

Posted by Chelsea Clinton on 6/9/17 at 2:29 pm
When I was a teenager, my dad had an affair with someone he works with and everyone I knew found out, including my mom. She was not happy. It was a very embarrassing time for me....
At least Comey didn't leak classified information to the Russians in the Oval Office....

re: Comey Part Deux

Posted by Chelsea Clinton on 6/9/17 at 2:10 pm
[quote]I really can't think of a question that was left unanswered that Comey can answer. [/quote] I have one. Mr. Comey, within 30 days before you were fired, did you make any requests for more resources for the Russia investigation?...

re: Comey Part Deux

Posted by Chelsea Clinton on 6/9/17 at 2:07 pm
Comey is a patriot and a true American. We need more men like him. Men that are willing to admit mistakes and respect the rule of law. Men that have no fear of giving testimony under oath, in front of America, in search for truth. I felt good about my country yesterday and it's because o...
Trump is so fricked. If I know anything, it's usually not a good idea to make the entire FBI your enemy....