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Registered on:12/18/2006
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Big picture, Obama & his former staffers who now infest the entire government; Pelosi et al is running the inner, daily workings of the government. But then Hildabeast continues to say she calls the WH every day....
Bowden always had the image of being a super do gooder & very little to none of what is being discussed here ever made it to the public. A good friend was a long time ref of Bowden's Fla. State teams' games. He said that Bowden was one of the, if not the , most vulgar HC he ever heard on the field....
Schiff, on the first day after the election, stood up & loudly proclaimed "we're going to change America"....
This bill that the GIP has "voted against" was passed in Jan. This year. biden's been in office, with his wide-open border policy, for 3+ years. What about those numbers?...
Pelosi will kill it before it gets any steam. She & her hubby are now multi millionaires just from buying Telsa stock when she knew the EV mandate was going to pass. As in they purchased $500K +, each, the day before it passed Congress,...
The Bear uses to stack players on the swim team just to keep them away from other schools .Legal back then. But as football scholarships increase, so will the number of scholarships for all female athletes.. Why would a player want to be the #105th player when he could go else where & improve his pl...
Hypothetically, she wins the election: does she clean house of all biden's appointments, specifically, this clown, the FBI head, etc?...
This almost has to be a dumb troll, as he has to know any of this would require civil action, then, a responding civil suit. ...
As a prosecutor she set a then record for the number of busts / incarcerations for simple possession of weed.....back then when that was the law....

re: Bongino is teasing something big

Posted by Keltic Tiger on 7/23/24 at 10:34 am
He also said, early on, that she was "the most political SS Director in history". Paraphrasing, more interested in politics vs running the Agency. Which coincides with her trip to the RNC the nite of the attempted assassination ....
So by resigning, vs getting fired, she keeps her full Federal retirement monies & health coverage, right? Did she get immunity? Fauci retired with the highest amount, $400K. Anything she gets is dumb & dumber....
There needs to be an age requirement to post, i.e. 12year olds not permitted....
Never underestimate Hildabeast. She can strike anyone anywhere....

re: Biden In Hospice?

Posted by Keltic Tiger on 7/23/24 at 12:17 am
K.JeanPierre got caught using her X account to imitate biden, writing as if she was he. .....i.e. anyone apparently has access to his account....
She's busy setting up a job interview with Morning Joe. ...
Jill has seen her money train run off the rails, so she's abandoned him in the basement. With a note on the door : "He's sleeping. Do not disturb. Ever."...
One of the few questions the SS Director answered was if they were sure there was only one shooter, she answered yes. FWIW...
You forgot her most important "qualification". And you left it out on purpose.....

Heads of The CIA, FBI, & The DOJ

Posted by Keltic Tiger on 7/21/24 at 6:00 pm
Knowing they will all be out of jobs if Trump wins, will they ramp up their illegal activities to defeat him? The border blow wide open again between now & Jan,?...
Lock her bedroom doors & tell the SS to keep the dummy far away from her. Get rid of all his diapers. "If he wanders away, let the dummy go."...