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Registered on:1/21/2017
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re: Trump is now the old man

Posted by LSUminati on 7/21/24 at 8:15 pm
Trump mentioned Biden 1 time in his 100 minute speech the other night. Everything was about entrenched power and democrat policies - he had already shifted. ...
We connect in LAX with a 5 hour layover (going to get out and get lunch/ see the beach etc.) Really hoping our plans can stay in tact and we get there on time. ETA. IAH - LAX LAX-LIH :cheers:...
Cuse, wife and I are leaving for our honeymoon to Hawaii Monday morning on United. What would you recommend I do at this point? ...
When the 98 year old vet said “this is our home!” and the crowed reacted and he smiled in response, something stirred in me. ...
When they say this shite, they always have this sly, smug smile like "I know more than you, and I am better than you." They are servicing their self-sense of higher intellect at the expense of the purity and goodness of Vance's true intent - it's a byproduct of evil and wickedness. ...

re: DJ Pickett commits to LSU

Posted by LSUminati on 7/18/24 at 11:22 am
LSU will finish with a floor of the 3rd ranked class in the country, 2025 and 2026. Get your digs in now folks. ...
Enthusiasm gap, something that is hard to detect in the polls ...

re: Vivek's RNC Speech

Posted by LSUminati on 7/17/24 at 10:50 am
Scolding hot take from someone who really liked Vivek early, and still do. Good speech, but it's played out. He has served his purpose as that message is already engrained. Time for him to be a key advisor, TYFYS on the campaign. ...
"Guys, see Trump is really cool, but he's not as cool as you say" - has come a long way from "Trump is evil." I'll take it. ...
Myself and Lou Pai, yes that Lou Pai, who is a patriot, by happenstance were watching. Lou had been staying at my house due to power issues in the Houston area. We decided why not turn on the rally. Was surreal. We didn’t really know what to believe at first. Initial speculation was that it ...
Equivalent of the Fraud Triangle for Human Nature. Motivation/Pressure - in other words, incentives. The incentives to off Donald Trump are high for people in power. Opportunity - reduce controls, create high friction points, gaps in procedure. It just takes one person to seize on the create...
Hope that’s not a victim who got hit by a stray. ...
Post rain storm - "Centerpoint currently estimates 3,000,000 houstonians are without power. Goal is to have 75% restored by Labor Day."...
I feel for the workers. They want to help I bet - they’re probably in the same boat as other Houston people themselves. Poor systems and poor leadership are to blame when there are issues like this. ...
Billjamin I would be interesting in connecting on this. :cheers:...
I personally would, but I think it’s shitty to hold a gun to captive customers’ heads to provide something that should be a baseline requirement of a utility provider. ...
Houston could do a better job holding Centerpoint's feet to the fire to do regular maintenance and securing power lines from trees, normal wear and tear etc., instead of waiting until an event to happen. No excuse for 40 MPH winds to knock down half the city. ...