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[quote]How come the republicans aren’t pushing harder for the 25th?[/quote] You want pictures and stories of the first black female POTUS in US history taking office dominating the news cycle for an entire month? The race is set now. Why would republicans take up all the political oxygen in the roo...

re: Theory on Kamala being the Nominee

Posted by McChowder on 7/25/24 at 11:58 am
[quote]One of the thoughts was about the dems piling on for the resignation of Cheatle and thought this is not their normal MO. Therefore what is their motive? then the October surprise may be her assassination blamed on a MAGA extremist [/quote] I think you may be overthinking it. The dems p...

re: Crooks’ rifle photo

Posted by McChowder on 7/24/24 at 5:03 pm
Most likely a side mounted laser or flashlight on a quad picatinny rail....
[quote]This is BS. You can believe any conspiracy you want but if the Secret Service had someone at that location they 100% would have taken out the shooter. The amount of false info out there and the dolts that lap it up is ridiculous.[/quote] Normally I would agree with you but how do you expl...
[quote]Biden fam discussing dropping out[/quote Trying to find a way to transfer his war chest into dnc coffers without getting caught. Hunter might actually ]be acting as a subject matter expert here. ...
[quote]quote: 20 mins elapsed between the time he was spotted by snipers & when he fired the shots Completely unacceptable. Who gave them the stand down order?[/quote] Better question might be, why the hell did the SS allow Trump to walk out on that stage if they HAD AN ACTIVE THREAT ON A ROO...
[quote]To even claim the roof was too steep is beyond comprehension.[/quote] Someone also spotted a banana peel close to the ladder. ...
Who's job is it to follow up and make sure those things were taken care of? How the hell do you leave securing a potential sniping perch less than 150 yards from the speakers podium "up to local law enforcement". Wtf?...
[quote]If I were him, I'd have a hard time trusting the DEI laden USSS with my life, especially after the events of yesterday. Is he allowed to hire a private security detail for protection?[/quote] Need to do what Bush Sr did. Incorporate a SEAL team into your security detail....

re: What makes the left so violent?

Posted by McChowder on 7/13/24 at 11:03 pm
[quote]What makes the left so violent?[/quote] Politics is their religion. ...
[quote]They can’t shoot without approval but once the shooter engages it’s free game.[/quote] Not sure if serious. If a person with a high powered rifle drops into a firing position they have authority to eliminate the threat. They are not required to wait until an assassine pulls the trigger befor...
The fact this person is a doctor of medicine and teaches is ghoolish. ...
[quote]Yeah, was watching Meet Kevin, and he said that Trump’s vest stopped one bullet, but haven’t heard that anywhere else, but the shooter probably thought he had one on. Trump turned his head, and that probably saved his life…[/quote] No vest is stopping a high powered rifle under 200 yards wit...
[quote]many of you support/worship Comrade Putin?!? ?[/quote] Progressive wish casting. I'm surprised you didnt manage to sneak in a 2025 reference....
Pretty sure it doesn't work that way. You can't retroactively apply a rule that would make past actions criminal legislatively. All this talk about muh democracy and muh sacred institutions while they wipe their azzes with the constitution, threaten SCOTUS judges, prosecute political enemies and...
[quote]Where are all the posters who say that Hunter shouldn’t be scrutinized because he’s a “private citizen“?[/quote] Is it OK now to ask who was purchasing all those finger paintings for $500,000 a pop? MSM said asking those questions were ridiculous and a distraction....
Looks like Trump realizes the Dems plan of replacing Biden at the last minute so he's looking to force their hand, blow up the time-line. If he starts demanding public demontrations of competency and leans on the media after being complicit for 4 years I can't imagine Biden surviving another 3 weeks...
[quote]now open to an idea that they had previously dismissed as right-wing propaganda[/quote] It's a really amazing time we live in. The Democrats and media are on the verge of making the term "conspiracy theory" synonymous with the truth. Honk honk. Now we all have to watch them feign surprise...
I think the strategy is to delay the sinking of this ship too soon. If there is a replacement, they want to do it as close to the convention as possible. ...