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Registered on:12/28/2016
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[quote]Pretty believable[/quote] Wow, pretty not believable. Scruffy is a good guy, I can tell. I'm sure he has no problem with dating....
[quote] What if that someone is "in on it"....think about that[/quote] No, I'm bringing someone who is very trustworthy. I'm going to be sure nothing shifty happens. I have to get ready to go. Thank you Scruffy for the good advice....
Scruffy I appreciate your bluntness. I will go in, but I'm not going to let them put me into some institution. I'm going to bring someone with me to make sure nothing sketchy will happen. Thanks, you've been helpful. I bet you are a really good doctor....
[quote]Tumors, strokes, concussions, MS, enlarged brain or ventricles. They cannot find mental illnesses on a MRI.[/quote] I already know I don't have any of those. ...
[quote]And also, if you are over 18 they can't release the results to your dad unless you consent.[/quote]And also, if you are over 18 they can't release the results to your dad unless you consent.[/quote] Yea, right. The way my Dad is all in my business and on my phone you don't think he can f...
[quote]They can't find crazy on a MRI.[/quote] I'm not crazy but I know that they can say they found some contrived mental illness on an MRI. ...
I'm not at all paranoid. I just want to make sure that my Dad is not tampering with this (though he shouldn't know but you know how that goes). I'm not going to some mental hospital. And, I'm clearly not a danger to anyone. Everything was fine until I told the neuro that my headaches increase...
[quote] College essentially becomes free when you do this. That wont work at all.[/quote] If we were an enlightened country, we'd have free college and vocational education. Not everyone needs a college education. I was lucky and was able to pay all my expenses without any assistance. But...
[quote]I can't imagine why you would not get the fricking MRI. Your eyeballs and your brain are not things you want to take lightly. They're not conspiring to throw you into the mental ward, they want to determine the physical causes of your symptoms so they can best treat it[/quote] I've already...
We need a student loan forgiveness program. It is long overdue....
Thealmightsmash suggested on a thread that I might want to see a neurologist over weird dreams (and also I have been having terrible headaches). So, I went to an ophthamologist yesterday because the headaches were in my eyes too. He did a bunch of tests including a vision field and said I have si...
Not only no but hell no - that shite needs to be banned now. There's enough sketchy stuff in this world without microdrones. Drones are bad enough (they fly regularly over my house). F this. Don't you worry about this? They'll end up being sold to law enforcement. ...

re: Irish Music

Posted by tigerite on 2/20/17 at 5:20 pm
Been listening to all the suggestions - thanks....
I commend what your grandfather did. But, that is the exception. Do you think the Walton children who are raking in billions did that? Bill Gates? No one does enough work (as it is not possible) to be entitled to a billion dollars in wealth. No one....

Irish Music

Posted by tigerite on 2/20/17 at 4:31 pm
Les Ramoneurs de Menhirs - Manez Daou Rumjacks - Uncle Tommy and Irish Pub Song Horslips - Dearg Doom Gaelic Storm - Drink the Night Away John O'Reilly - Charlie Robison Saw Doctors - I Useta Love Her Moving Hearts - Hiroshima Nagasake Russian Roulette What else ya got? ...
[quote]Your dad needs to see a judge about getting an OPC to get you some help.[/quote] My dad isn't doing anything to me. He tried it, but I also have a lawyer. And, I haven't talked to him since. frick him....
[quote] No, you're just a nutjob that freaks out about people "aiming their cellphones at you", and thinks the govt is using "chem trails to control people".[/quote] Wow, really? There is nothing nutty about being tired of people aiming their cell phones at you. Zero. Nothing. People do i...
[quote]and how do the workers make their money? [/quote] They make their substandard wages by working for the owner, who pockets millions while they aren't paid squat. ...
[quote] So banks don't use rich people's money to loan to us peasants so we can buy our homes, that 30 people just built, that the insurance company and it's employee insure, etc, etc, etc. Stop thinking of everything in a box...because it's not. [/quote] I know that everything is not in a bo...
[quote]How long are y'all going to fall for this?[/quote] I knew this would come - "you must be a troll if you don't follow the right wing party line here." ...