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She's a terrible candidate and very unlikeable. All she has to do is open her mouth and it's terrible. Obama knows this. He will still support her, but only, and I mean only, because she is the nominee....

re: Why hasn't Obama endorsed Kamala?

Posted by Contra on 7/24/24 at 4:49 pm
And now this comes out. He thinks she's a terrible candidate as I thought. [embed]https://x.com/Breaking911/status/1816227434146193563[/embed]...
Economy is in shambles. Grocery/food prices are out of control, housing prices are out of control, gas prices are high, etc. And these morons are electing based on identity, illegal immigrants, and other stupid shite....

Why hasn't Obama endorsed Kamala?

Posted by Contra on 7/24/24 at 12:43 pm
What's going on here? Pretty much most Dems have. But he's been silent. I think eventually he will support her, but not because she's a good candidate. It will be only because she was the nominee of course....

The economy is shite

Posted by Contra on 7/23/24 at 8:43 am
Housing prices are insane, food prices are insane, etc. Yet, we have millions of morons ready to vote for the same leadership that has oversaw it happening? Makes sense. This country is beyond fixing at this point....

re: Cardi B on geopolitical matters

Posted by Contra on 7/21/24 at 9:41 pm
Imagine being excited for Kamala....
I like Hannity. While not perfect, he has his purpose....
Throw RFK in the mix and he has +6 lead. [link=(https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4785009-kamala-harris-polls-donald-trump/)]https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4785009-kamala-harris-polls-donald-trump/[/link]...

It's going to be absolute chaos

Posted by Contra on 7/21/24 at 8:41 pm
The black caucus has thrown their support behind Kamala. If she doesn't get it, get your popcorn ready. Especially if the nominee is a white male....
Hulk Hogan is way more famous than these clown politicians....
All while grocery prices sky rocket and the economy continues on its path to ruins? There are some very dumb people in this country....
The Baldwins are actually really good people who just get caught up in the moment....

re: Texas and Tennessee should be allies

Posted by Contra on 7/21/24 at 10:12 am
Will he still have the same influence as he did in Trump's first presidency?...
Trump gets everyone involved. A master of his art....
Suburban white women are a threat to democracy....