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[quote]"They" didn't say anything. It's an opinion piece attributed to a specific individual. This is a visually obvious fact. If that individual now does a 180 then she should be called on it.[/quote] Fixed it for you. Hope the edited version meets your lofty standards. ...

re: Trumps odds down to -145

Posted by Big Jim Slade on 7/26/24 at 8:47 pm
[quote]The more she talks she’ll start to fall back to the pit of hell where she and her policies belong.[/quote] I’d love to believe this, but sadly the masses of idiots in this country care very little about what she actually says or her policies. They’re brainwashed to vote for identity polit...
[quote]They will retract the statement and say they didn't mean it at all.[/quote] Nah, WaPo do even worse -they’ll scrub the article and both WaPo and the author of the opinion piece will claim she never said it at all. ...
I don’t want anything rattling around in my brain recorded in any fashion. The thoughts that actually make it out of my mouth get me in enough trouble as it is. ...
Pretty sure that’s a clear effort to bribe a public official ...
Amazing how an inordinate number of rich and famous Hollywood types have trans kids. It really defies the laws of probabilities. ...
Can’t say I’m one bit surprised. The media circle jerk fawning over Kamala will exceed the Obama levels of MSM campaigning. ...

re: Mark Levin tonight

Posted by Big Jim Slade on 7/24/24 at 11:38 pm
Every time I see him on, I feel like he’s on the verge of stroking out mid-segment. ...
What a ridiculous time to frick with the US when nobody is in charge. ...
I think he meant to say Obama, Pelosi and Schumer’s terms. ...
Appears that Harry Enten is going to be looking for a new job soon. ...
Rebrand? All they need to do is present her image. Her policies and stupid quotes don’t matter to most of the dumb voters. Just her physical appearance. Many will vote on identity politics alone, even if it goes against their self interest. ...
For snacks, Cottage cheese with: *Peaches *Bananas *Blue, rasp and black berries *Honey with pecans or walnuts Also mix them in with scrambled eggs ...

re: How do you pronounce Kamala?

Posted by Big Jim Slade on 7/23/24 at 10:33 pm
I vaguely recall her years ago when she first started apppearing on talk shows, she was asked and said it rhymed with Pamela. But then it became comma-LUH. I could be wrong or misremembering, but however she says it, she is not getting my vote. ...
[quote]They want to provoke a Jan 6 on crack.[/quote] Except it would be with weapons and intent, unlike the original 1/6. ...
Is there a flow chart or something that shows the hierarchy of the identity groups? Does trans outrank black and they’re not allowed to call the cops on them?...
They raise more money being excluded than included. ...
The question will be whether the masses of white suburban women will prioritize the good feels and virtue signaling of voting for a black woman vs the good of the country that affords them the lifestyle they live with travel ball, Yukon Denalis, and Taylor Swift tickets. Sadly, I think we know the ...