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Registered on:9/4/2016
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[quote]You don't think continuing to fight so that the fraud is exposed to the public and acknowledged is worth it? I do.[/quote] I agree. Primary focus is preventing the next and all future steals. Revealing the scope of the 2020 steal will aid that effort....
[quote]I thought the democrats switched their stance and are pro cop?[/quote] Not this week, it's situational. The feds tried to frame OMB as a Russian colluder? The feds tried to jail OMB for classified documents? Cops and feds failed to prevent an assassination attempt against OMB? - Alll ...
[quote]Crime is down under Biden![/quote] If they don't press charges, prosecute the charges or imprison the criminals, was a crime even committed? It won't be put on the record books, so it doesn't exist. Ask sfp about falling crime rates....
I thought attacking police in dc would guarantee 4 years in the gulag?...
That's how democrats foment unrest. I doubt any leftist driven issue has ever spawned any organic protest....

re: Job Growth June YOY

Posted by tigerfan 64 on 7/24/24 at 8:34 pm
[quote]You are FOS if you think the jobs added restarting the economy were “new” jobs.[/quote] If jobs recovered after covid are counted as "new jobs", the jobs lost from covid shouldn't be counted as "lost". Ye ole "double edged sword"....
[quote] I guarantee you they had a (D) behind their name.[/quote] Is the (D) for democrat, deepstate, or........why not both?...
[quote]Everyone with a brain knew what was going on.[/quote] So you're saying 81 million fools didn't see this coming?...
[quote]The fact that they don't begs the question, why?[/quote] Because - TRUMP. No other reason needed from DC...
[quote]Mayorkas is conflicted. Johnson needs to form a House Republican led task force to investigate. Let Jordan chair it.[/quote] We need a J13 committee that mirrors Nancy and Hakeems J6 investigation. We then need to send the findings to DJTs DOJ for conspiracy prosecutions of Majorkas and th...
[quote]I’m leaving it up anyway.[/quote] I'm Joe Biden, and I approve this message....
It would appear fake, (@KeithOlbermenns), but still accurate and funny....
[quote]KJP - “he works circles around young staffers”[/quote]What damning condemnation of his staff. [quote]These mfers are trying to install a puppet. [/quote]This will be back to back installed puppets. ...
[quote]She's more unelectable than Biden.[/quote] Well, she possibly participated in less international corruption than FJB. Maybe that's why she has less democrat support:lol:...
[quote]What’s this mean?[/quote] That he didnt need the extra cash after Hunter got "10% from the big guy" after he dropped out of the race. That settlement pay out was sizeable....

re: This is a teacher...

Posted by tigerfan 64 on 7/21/24 at 7:51 pm
A lgbtq mma teacher? Maybe she can try dodging bullets like DJT?...
[quote]He's already aboard the Harris train. These people are robots.[/quote] He gets paid by dnc operatives. He will support whomever they tell him to support....
He is totally bought in. The media has him brainwashed. I hope he doesn't off himself or anyone else. ...