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Location:Raleigh, NC
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Registered on:10/26/2006
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re: Gojira to perform at the Olympics

Posted by pheroy on 7/25/24 at 7:13 pm
Just came here to post this. Freaking awesome that they are getting this moment. A bit apprehensive of what it is but excited to see - here's the blurb I've seen: "A feast of French musical talent will take to the stage. In terms of collaborations, expect a duet between pianist Sofiane Pamart and...

re: Dark Matter - Series on Apple TV

Posted by pheroy on 7/20/24 at 5:00 pm
Oh - one other thing. I really wanted to see if they would find a way to "coalesce" the multiple versions and probabilities, which would fit with the show and the first episode where they talk about the observer being inherently part of the experiment in quantum physics. ...

re: Dark Matter - Series on Apple TV

Posted by pheroy on 7/20/24 at 4:58 pm
Binged the show this week with the wife and we both really enjoyed it. I've read enough lay person books on physics & quantum mechanics to enjoy that side of it while knowing there was some BS too of course. But the show did a good job of having an emotional theme and core that was as important to i...
In a nutshell, Beato is saying that music is inherently less creative and more homogenized because of the plethora of easy to use tools/apps etc that are available now, and mostly not used with any real depth. This is parallel to his comments that once you use computers to make music (starting with ...
[quote]I’ve carved out space for a music room/lounge downstairs and I originally told the architects I wanted to ditch the windows/sliders to make the room a complete sound proofed private bunker. But, when I stand in that room now and see the views I wonder if it’s a mistake. So my question to you ...
Friend of mine is a pianist/keyboard player at a pretty good level. He has several electronic keyboards and a full size Yamaha grand piano. Pretty sure he has played around with the Seaboard. His current fascination is the Haken Continuum which is fairly similar but maybe even more open ended. [e...
Dayton Audio / Parts Express typically gives very good value from what I've seen. They have some very good, practical and well designed speakers....
[quote]This is a kind of goofy take. Bluetooth is about as low-quality as a digital signal can get. It's also very short-range, so you can't go far. Sure, you can leave your phone right next to it, but that kind of defeats the purpose. [/quote] Depends on the use case. I have a high end 2 channe...

re: The TD User-Created AI Music Thread

Posted by pheroy on 6/12/24 at 2:24 pm
Beato can't reliably tell AI but his son & wife can? Mentions Udio and some stuff created by current bands that sent it to him. Might be the biggest surprise I've seen in a while - talks about it here: [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbo6SdyWGns&ab_channel=RickBeato[/embed]...

re: First Album you ever bought

Posted by pheroy on 6/6/24 at 12:13 am
Will never forget my first 2 bought on the same day in late 1976, cover art being a big factor: [img]https://i.discogs.com/RCgC7yWf4sSPzHFiMfnkPobAE0WBmvxI11P9O9toSGg/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:597/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTEzMTI1/Mzg2LTE1NDg1ODE2/NzktOTcxMS5qcGVn.jpeg[/img] [i...

re: Where Would You Rank Geoff Tate?

Posted by pheroy on 5/28/24 at 11:54 pm
[quote]Top 10, maybe top 5.[/quote] Sounds about right. Borderline top 5. Dio will always be my #1, along with Halford & Dickinson as top 3. It's hard to think of 2 more guys who I'd unequivocally rank ahead of Tate. A couple of younger (but not that young) guys whose singing & voices I also ...

re: Any Tom Keifer fans ?

Posted by pheroy on 5/27/24 at 1:28 pm
I avoided hair metal pretty diligently back in the day but over time I've come to appreciate a few of them. Cinderella & Keifer are one. Their bluesier base gives them a more appealing sound to me. Keifer went through an incredible struggle with a mysterious viral nerve issue that wasn't identif...

re: Record Player Cartridge Replacement

Posted by pheroy on 5/27/24 at 12:21 am
The 2M Blue is on sale for $189, $50 off the MSRP of $239. It's usually considered one of the cartridges to beat in the $200-250 range so that's a good deal currently. It's been on that sale price for at least 2-3 months I think as a friend picked up one in Feb, It's pretty hard to beat under $200 u...

re: Home Audio Question

Posted by pheroy on 5/21/24 at 5:22 pm
Not sure what you are meaning by "preamp". As mentioned, any receiver or integrated amp (which is just a receiver without a radio tuner) will have one. A preamp is just the set of functions that don't include amplification to the speakers; so, volume control, input selection, signal processing (surr...

re: Song that got you hooked to metal

Posted by pheroy on 4/17/24 at 2:00 pm
For me there are kind of 2 - an early entry as a teen then a later reentry 30 years later. Had been listening to Van Halen, Scorpions and so on in the late 70s but the song that I really consciously identified as metal that totally pulled me in was Iron Maiden's "Flight Of Icarus" from the Piece of...
Lots of great classic albums here for sure. But to me, when this kind of question is asked I always want to know - where are they coming FROM? If you're introducing a youngster who's mostly listened to hip hop, your choices could be pretty different than introducing someone who is coming from classi...
2 big record store notes. 1) Blue Note has a 20% store-wide sale today with a few titles 40% off. [link=(https://store.bluenote.com/)]Blue Note Store[/link] 2) I have to give props to [link=(https://www.dustygroove.com/)]Dusty Groove[/link] service. I received an order with a few LPs last week...

re: Any subreddits to sell HT gear?

Posted by pheroy on 3/20/24 at 12:00 am
I've also used US Audio Mart successfully a few times. Doesn't charge a fee, where Audiogon does. ...
Well, that's disappointing. Double checked on their tour page but the closest to me in Raleigh is 6 hours for either Nashville or Atlanta. At least those are on a Fri / Sat respectively, but very unlikely I'll make that trip....
[quote]Would an Ortofon red work?[/quote] Should be a solid choice. FYI, the Blue is on sale right now $50 off if you want to step up - many reviews say it's worth it, though I don't have direct experience yet. (A friend just grabbed a Blue on that sale so hopefully I'll hear it soon.)...