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3. At first I was thinking a lone crack-pot loser taking advantage of pitiful security, but as more and more details surface, I strongly believe there was malice on the part of only implementing half-arse security measures. Kinda like "Well, if it happens, it happens"....
Very strange that he went up the big boy stairs on Air Force One the other day....
[quote]She is worse than Biden.[/quote] In the “presidential” and leadership sense, yes. Crazy world we live in now, because it actually it doesn’t matter. 1. She’s not old. 2. She’s not a white man. 3. She can walk on and off a stage without help and instructions. 4. She can be persuaded m...
Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania. Forget about polling percentages....
[quote]He’s waiting on something in return. And he’ll get it. Soon.[/quote] Plus he is an attention whore, so he wants the anticipation and the buildup....
He’s waiting on something in return. And he’ll get it. Soon....
Well, no, the media NOW is saying he resembles George Washington now. So selfless, and stepped down for the good of his country....
Yeah, we’re screwed. Full on media, press, and Hollywood push now for the “Non-white, non-old person”. Gonna be another very tight and nerve-wracking race....
Been hearing this number ever since the beginning of modern polling but what is it? Is it the error that the pollster could have made? Or the error that the voter may be lying or changes his/her mind? When a candidate is down three points in a poll, you often hear “but it’s within the margin of er...
This is getting downright comical now. We’re we trying to do a casting call for another Ocean’s 11 movie??...

re: How do you pronounce Kamala?

Posted by SlickRick55 on 7/23/24 at 5:22 pm
Kah’ [cackling] mala [drunk] - N, pers....
My God, I just knew that was coming. They basically did everything but put a gun to his head to bow out....

re: Biden seen in public today

Posted by SlickRick55 on 7/23/24 at 1:06 pm
[quote]I would like Laura Loomer's take on this video...[/quote] Didn’t she just say he’s entered the terminal stage of his illness? ...
Extremely odd that he didn’t wear a mask either. He was the biggest virtue signaling mask wearer on the planet before....
Those boring thin cheese pizzas must bring wisdom to a fella....