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re: Kamala says no to debate on Fox

Posted by Spawn on 7/25/24 at 6:04 pm
Trump should insist that it be on FOX and Peter Doocy is the moderator . :rotflmao:...

re: Kamala says no to debate on Fox

Posted by Spawn on 7/25/24 at 5:39 pm

re: Oh, Michelle Obama is Running

Posted by Spawn on 7/25/24 at 3:55 pm
Better chance of him becoming heavyweight champ. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FtylB_tWAAANAuq?format=jpg&name=small[/img]...
She worked very hard at getting her bird stuffed by anyone she thought might help her climb the ladder. ...

re: What is Kamala good at?

Posted by Spawn on 7/24/24 at 5:01 pm
She can suck a basketball through a garden hose....
I'm not sure. Maybe she wants to build a wall ? :dunno: ...

re: Which one of you is this? Boomers

Posted by Spawn on 7/23/24 at 7:12 pm
Everyone considered him the coward of the county. ...

re: Funniest Biden meme

Posted by Spawn on 7/23/24 at 7:07 pm
Rumor is he has a big wang. ...

re: Interesting Info on Kamala's Husband

Posted by Spawn on 7/23/24 at 5:22 pm
Gotta keep the corruption in the family. Amirite ? [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FoaOSfqXgAAid9u.jpg:large[/img]...
I have a suggestion..... [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/9675ee25b393073793a3de9688bee93d/tumblr_n180keYXWS1rg0lgoo1_500.gifv[/img]...
You have to question everything that is going on right now. None of this is normal. ...
Someone is going to have to break the news to her.... :rolleyes:...
She's much more of a left winger. Where Biden might have passively accepted a liberal agenda in order to get into the office she will be more proactive in pushing something closer to a California style left wing agenda. ...
I watched almost the entire hearing. I think there was a lot of window dressing and fake outrage from the Democrats. They know the game and that Cheatle will eventually take the fall for this. Someone has to bite the big one and in this case it won't be Kamala. Cheatle is in a very bad spot. She ...

re: What is trumps nickname for Kamala?

Posted by Spawn on 7/21/24 at 8:44 pm
[quote]Can we grow up please? [/quote] [img]https://y.yarn.co/8136dc13-58cd-4156-bd6a-08bc3c49b2b8_text.gif[/img]...
[quote]Got hit by a piece of glass causing a minor graze. [/quote] You have zero evidence to support this and are probably just trolling. That being said, if somehow it is true, it does not in any way mitigate the blame for this person getting a shot off anywhere near President Trump. The bla...