Favorite team:New Orleans Pelicans 
Number of Posts:11588
Registered on:2/23/2016
Online Status:Not Online

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[quote] Whatever WNBA / Team USA representative came up with this idea is an idiot. They doubled down on stupid by first snubbing the up and coming stars and then deciding to play against those snubbed stars. It just further shows how inept Team USA is.[/quote] They should have been playin...
I want to add that I learned how to cook jambalaya properly from this board, it comes out perfect every time and people think I am using some sort of hoodoo to make it. I have only gone up to 5 gallons but I am considering getting a bigger pot. Thanks TD food board and the best RAT ever. ...
I prefer Jambalaya but I am not judging someone if they use pasta in their cook, what do I care? It's better than using the wrong rice. I prefer pasta in pasta dishes, a home made alfredo or red gravy over properly cooked high quality pasta is divine, but I am not turning my nose at good flavore...

re: Relentless Pool Algae

Posted by armsdealer on 7/21/24 at 11:51 am
Not enough chlorine, not enough water movement. It always comes down to those two things. Oh, and if it is attached to the bottom and sides you must scrub it, chlorine alone isn't going to cure that....
[quote] You should see what my wife does to a tube of toothpaste. I have to fix it twice a day when I want to brush my teeth.[/quote] subtle brag... you AND your wife have teeth... and still no pics...
Sign an agreement with the real estate agent that they are responsible for negotiating their commission with the seller. ...
The chargers and batteries have built in battery management systems so they are pretty much plug and play. You are more likely to have a failure from a defect or bad part than your charging schedule with lifep04 batteries ...
Sure they did. Next you are going to say the earth is not flat. Of course it is not perfectly flat, it varies, but that bitch ain't round like the deep state says it is....
I bought a farm jack to pull posts and it works wonders on small trees and stumps but I am not sure you have enough stump to get a chain to grip around it. You could always drill a hole through it and pull from there. I thought I was buying this thing and only using it once, and as cheap as th...
Any decent used riders sold so fast I just gave up and got a robot. It mows 7 days a week, won't mow if it rained and was cheaper than even the cheapest riders new. It will get stuck in some areas, and at first it got stuck more frequently than I liked but as it learns the yard it has gotten s...

re: Weber Grill Question

Posted by armsdealer on 7/19/24 at 9:22 pm
They have had two different size of stainless grates. I have the larger diameter ones and I like them. The cast iron grates today kind of suck, the old ones were way thicker. ...
Anyone ever use Regional towing, driver Regional Steward? No idea why I would ask that question in this thread. Did I mention we moved to the Northshore, like living in a different world. ...

re: Good Dolly Recs?

Posted by armsdealer on 7/17/24 at 6:10 pm
Get a cosco, they are way better than the store branded dollies and not much more money. ...

re: Used boat prices?

Posted by armsdealer on 7/17/24 at 6:08 pm
Just have to find the right boat with the right seller. I picked up a nice bay boat for 30%+ below book value. I was willing to deal with the sellers loan company to get it done and he had to get out of the loan. Lots of boats listed but they aren't moving at the asking prices. I wanted a ...

re: Backpack for laptop and books

Posted by armsdealer on 7/15/24 at 9:07 pm
Wenger Be picky, I have an older one that is more their traditional style that is great, I picked up a more modern looking one and I am not a fan. It is still quality, and it has some nice features, but just doesn't work as well. ...

Onboard Chargers

Posted by armsdealer on 7/14/24 at 8:55 pm
My chargers on my last boat were precision chargers by Minn Kota and they were nice but big, heavy and expensive. My current boat had a mix of crappy charges and I was consolidating them. I need a 3 bank charger and I was wondering if anyone used a 5amp per bank charger and if they had any regrets...

re: Any chemistry majors here?

Posted by armsdealer on 7/12/24 at 7:29 pm
[quote]Lab techs are the highest paid hourly at most plants. Well into the 50’s an hour.[/quote] I need someone to show me these lab tech job listings... ...

re: Any chemistry majors here?

Posted by armsdealer on 7/12/24 at 7:28 pm
[quote]Lab techs make more than engineers at my plant.[/quote] Where is this plant?...
If they just stopped subsidizing corn... don't need to tax it, just don't incentivize it....