Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:7
Registered on:1/28/2016
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Puffy. Can only purchase at Puffy.com. Bought it 6 weeks ago for about $1100. Wife had back problems...no longer. Love it....

re: Travel ball anecdote

Posted by Lab boy on 2/21/16 at 9:49 am
Tigeralum2008, You are 100% on the money. Had 2 daughters in travel softball and they thrived in the experience. You have to be involved with the right people and organization with the right goals. Didn't shell out a ton of money. We didn't do it to be "flashy". Just did it for the reps and exp...
Covington is NOT a different story. I'm curious as to why you would say that? Do you know anyone who has/had kids at CHS. ...
Thank you for your post. I have a sophomore at CHS now and loves it. I have another daughter who is a grad of CHS and current freshman at LSU. She is majoring in engineering and doing very well. St. Tammany parish schools all teach the same curriculum. ALL of the public schools are excellent an...
Covington high does NOT have a daycare. There is a daycare across the street that is not affiliated with CHS. ...