Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:LSU Alumni 1981
Interests:whatever interests my sons (uh, wait a minute... maybe not)
Occupation:ex-professional student
Number of Posts:890
Registered on:9/9/2003
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

ummm… the team looks turrible ...

re: Do normal people get PHDs?

Posted by HotBoudin on 7/9/24 at 4:41 pm
"Normal" people here on the OT? Nope. Most have no idea what that represents....
Profit!!!!!! The CEO needs a bigger bonus. ...
He won’t be able to vote for himself. ...

re: LSU - Construction Management

Posted by HotBoudin on 5/26/24 at 3:59 pm
Class of 81; retired for eight years now. Recommend. ...
They were clearly communicating over their headsets with [i]somebody. [/i] and somebody was watching on TV. ...

SECTV = Cowards

Posted by HotBoudin on 5/25/24 at 8:06 pm
Will not be showing repays of the baseball game. The Birmingham blind mice made a call. ...

My nine year old…

Posted by HotBoudin on 5/25/24 at 4:21 pm
Plays in a league with better umpires. Embarrassing!!!...
Create a closed Facebook group. ...

re: Pels (0-3) vs Thunder (3-0)

Posted by HotBoudin on 4/29/24 at 8:15 pm
Stop being so soft! Whatever happened to “no layups”? Hard foul and put them on the line!...

re: Pels Game 82

Posted by HotBoudin on 4/14/24 at 4:08 pm
Time to empty the bench. Then blow it all up next week....

re: Pels Game 81

Posted by HotBoudin on 4/12/24 at 9:42 pm
Coach needs to stand up and take the T...

re: Jeff Landry Triple Dog Dare

Posted by HotBoudin on 4/8/24 at 5:24 pm
Landry is power drunk, enabled by the state GOP committee that nominated him without going to the voters knowing that the Dems couldn’t field a candidate that mount any challenge. He was put in place by a cabal, not the voters. Now he’s going off as he doesn’t answer to the public. Time to...
Yes. The re-surveys (one for the demo permit and another one to merge two parcels) and permits took way too long, expect delays. Beureacrats never hurry. Treat the demo, clearing and filling, etc. as seperate contracts. Pay cash as much as you can as the parish won't see that as part of the fi...

Don't expect changes...

Posted by HotBoudin on 4/6/24 at 12:07 pm
At the top anyway. This is the management team that kept 24W - 46L Dennis Allen. They do not intend on winning a championship, just on collecting your $$$....
The days before cell phone cameras.... :bow:...

re: That Caitlin girl is good...

Posted by HotBoudin on 3/30/24 at 3:17 pm
Did she average 44? No? You’d have thought so. ...