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Location:Smoking Crack with Hunter Biden
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Registered on:9/30/2006
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They said they had never seen anyone do it so well [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GTbC-CUW8AASTcV?format=jpg&name=small[/img]...
[quote]And he was married with kids?[/quote] Divorced with a son and step daughter...
[quote]He’s a friend of mine, he’s a great guy.[/quote] He's a friend of several of my friends. You and I know all of the same people. ...
[quote] she cheated on her husband [/quote] I don't know her husband that well but his parents used to be my insurance agents. Good people. ...
[quote] According to the article you posted....she just went through a divorce and loss of a person close to her.[/quote] I think the person she lost was her boyfriend I have family from DeRidder and know everyone there and know some of the drama. Its too small of a town for everyone to not k...
[quote]A teenager was charged this week with two felonies for allegedly derailing trains in Nebraska to film “insane” footage for YouTube. The 17-year-old, who has not been identified because of his age, posted a 5-minute video of the April 21 derailment in Bennet, calling it the “MOST INSANE VID...
[quote]What is Wall - E? I am curious.[/quote] Disney film about a dystopian future where everyone is fat and on scooters [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-kdRdzxdZQ&ab_channel=FoodJuggler[/embed]...
[quote]So black women are going to vote democrat this election? Wow. What a shake up.[/quote] IKR...
[quote] Is everyone there on a scooter?[/quote] This comment summed it up [quote]This is the most dysgenic thing I've ever seen. A room full of taxpayer burdens on wheels[/quote]...
[quote]As long as you keep money posts to the money board. You baller.[/quote] :lol: Remember that time BabyTac admitted to stealing fishing rods from Academy via exchange fraud? All of the ballers I know do that. ...
Trump said he would appoint a libertarian to his cabinet. Trump is working hard on the undecided. This will help but it will also push some people back to Kamala...
They haven't wavered from Trump crushing Kamala. She had a slight bump but he was always 8-10 points ahead at minimum. They have him beating her worse than they had Trump beating Biden at one point. ...
I recently became a Notes contributor on X. You should see all of the notes the left tries to get posted to tweets to block out opinions and facts. They hate that the information is getting out there unlike the last election. I rate them all as not needed and have helped block several. ...
He puts highlights on Youtube just like Joe Rogan does...