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re: Best Buy cutting staff

Posted by 92Tiger on 3/2/24 at 11:26 pm
I've been done with BB for a while now. Went to two different stores on weekend afternoons, attempted to make a purchase, ALL registers closed. Was told that checkout is at the customer service desk...went over there and both times I was behind people doing returns. I wasn't about to put up with tha...

re: What's the nicest house in Louisiana?

Posted by 92Tiger on 2/28/24 at 10:49 pm
[img]https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/theadvocate.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/a/20/a2068153-3bc5-5b9a-b322-50c4de5b4cc2/5b2bdac8bffee.image.jpg?resize=400%2C296[/img] [quote]The castle at Irish bayou[/quote] Priced to move at $500k Zillow listing: [link=(https://www.zi...
I'm not aware of any agency in LA that doesn't use the Standardized Field Sobriety Test ("SFST"). There are only three elements to the test: following movement with just your eyes, walk and turn, and one leg stand. IMO the eye test is really all you need. If the eyes twitch (i.e., horizontal gaze ny...
[quote]No one in NOLA voted for the consent decree.[/quote] No shyt. NOLA voted for the mayors that appointed the superintendents, that promoted the captains and majors, that hired, trained and supervised the officers that earned them the consent decree. NOLA voted for the council that create...
Troopers in NOLA means as many Troopers not patrolling the highways. That means more speeders, more drunk driving crashes, more dead innocents. Landry didn't think this one through - NOLA voted repeatedly for what they have. NOLA could have voted for "law and order" leadership but they didn't, so th...

re: Speeding ticket

Posted by 92Tiger on 1/28/24 at 9:42 pm
RADAR/LIDAR devices are required to be periodically calibrated. There may be a sticker on the tool indicating its last calibration check, otherwise, there should be a record. If the department has not adhered to the recommended maintenance schedule, it may be a way to challenge the accuracy of the s...
Some of the donut shops around NOLA have video poker, sell beer, and sell little hamburgers and fries. It's great after going to the bar food. ...
If your wife or daughter are hot, beware neighbor kids with drones....
Wife = 180 wtaf [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.bmrVFDet40pMVl3MGppCHAHaD-%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=bb18dea2e494dfb8d16a57b3a4cf3da6765de717cde72e87368584639c2f05d2&ipo=images[/img]...
Much more talented than the Gopher's foosball team. ...

re: A blast of cold water (bidet)

Posted by 92Tiger on 1/15/24 at 11:32 pm
No bidet, but a power outlet under the toilet....that's what that's for. Good to know. I might have to step up my shyter game. ...
[quote]I can't speak to other states, but in Louisiana, the husband is presumed to be the father whether he signs anything or not. [/quote] It's a 'rebuttable presumption' in that if the husband shows the court that he truly did not father the child then he will not have responsibly of being the ...
[quote] Someone in her family ought to beat their asses. Nothing she did before running into these scumbags changes what they did If it were my daughter the attorneys would get an arse beating after the case.[/quote] It's called discovery. All relevant evidence (including possibly excul...

re: Which one of you baws just got fired?

Posted by 92Tiger on 12/21/23 at 6:15 pm
You lose about .015 BAC per hour. If you blew a .249 and then retested later you'd take .249-(.015xH) where H is the number of hours between tests. As others have said, it'll take a good bit of time to blow 0.0 BAC from .249, so a good argument can be made that the first test was flawed. ...
...or wear 3" long press-on nails at the register....
I like it. The bed storage is great, but the spare really should not be in the bed storage trunk. If you have a heavy load, or worst case gravel or dirt, and get a flat, you're pretty screwed....
Calm down, as long as you don't make eye contact, it's not ghey. [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.complex.com%2Fcomplex%2Fimage%2Fupload%2Fc_limit%2Cw_680%2Ffl_lossy%2Cpg_1%2Cq_auto%2Fgpiwkpgtof9mfrpvqiwo.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=0b8de39883289f7f732ea2040f3eaf84a8f...