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Number of Posts:7813
Registered on:11/25/2015
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Mexican Army vs USA Army . Well settle your bs on the battle field women . See how that works out for you . ...
Trump broke them . Again . :cheers: [img]https://media.tenor.com/zyl04BmughUAAAAM/trump-maga.gif[/img] ...
Dem idiocracy - to deal with inflation they propose things to cause more inflation . :lol:...

re: Stewart (3-4Million)

Posted by DreauxB2015 on 12/4/24 at 10:02 pm
Id tell Stewart to GFH and prove your worth clown this isnt the NFL and you been playing high school players....
I can answer it , you have the money to spend you get the best players . You dont you better hope you have good coaches . It simple bud...
If theres a guy who dances in pentagrams and drinks babies blood like its red bull its def this weird came from no weird frick head . Who the frick is he and why does he seem to be everywhere? Dudes uglier than a bag of hammered scrotums yet they throw his ugly mug up like hes Fiabo...
No , chicks with dicks needs to be gone from our Military and hes just the piece of shite to do . So kindly, gfy ....
Looks fake as frick why is nothing exploding below it as they hit ?...

re: Ukraine just bombed Russia again

Posted by DreauxB2015 on 11/19/24 at 5:47 pm
How does this Russia / Ukraine war work ? Do they just take breaks and start up again every time this administration needs a US news headline or Ukraine needs money . Couldnt Putin just take out Zelinski and end this ? That cock sucker Zel is everywhere . The Zel World tour but yea his country ...
How about abolish any tax on income because its theft . That would be first place to start . Anything other than that is bs ....
So , Trump is going to do what Democrats have been doing for decades . Oh , the horror . :nana:...
Never really cared for Luke Cuckrider ...
They will learn nothing . They will lie to the end and cheat again and you will be left holding the bag and being big mad on the internet....

re: Trump just Sh*t the bed

Posted by DreauxB2015 on 9/10/24 at 8:34 pm
Kamala losing for the most punchable face in history and nasal voice . ...